
Safety Training


Safety Training

The purpose of safety training is to educate and provide the knowledge necessary to safely perform a job by establishing expectations for employees on how to safely and correctly perform job tasks. Employees will gain knowledge by participating in training and use methods to create an effective and safe culture. Employees failure to participate in mandatory training can result in individual exposure to injury, and therefore places the college community in non-compliance with California safety regulations. Faculty and staff are essential in creating and maintaining a safe work environment.

Safety training is provided monthly to departments with high risk exposure to ensure employees receives recommended and mandatory training to remain in compliance with safety regulations. Contact Risk Management if your department is interested in being included in our monthly onsite training sessions.

The District also offers safety training for faculty, staff and student workers through Keenan SafeColleges online training system. Keenan SafeColleges is an online safety training and tracking system specifically designed for Colleges. Please contact Risk Management if you would like to assign additional training to staff in your department.

You will receive notifications periodically from Risk Management and/or Human Resources for upcoming training sessions.

Please follow the KSC Mandatory Reporting Login Instructions for Keenan SafeColleges upon receiving electronic training notification.

Please contact Risk Management if you have any questions or comments regarding safety training through Keenan SafeColleges.