Risk Management

Property & Liability


Risk Management coordinates a cost effective program to insure the College against property and liability losses.

The District is a member of the Statewide Association of Community Colleges-JPA (SWACC). SWACC is a non-profit, self-funded JPA which consists of 46 or more California community colleges. All insurance coverages, services, and governance are specific to community colleges and all decisions are made by the community college members of the JPA. SWACC was designed to provide comprehensive property and liability coverage in a single program, while addressing unique community college exposures.

Property & Liability Coverage

Liabilities claims should be reported immediately.

Types of Claims

  • General liability, Automobile - Third & First Party
  • First Party Property Damage
  • DFEH and/or EEOC Complaints
  • Potential Claims - serious injuries/fatalities
  • Lawsuits

Liability Claim Form

Certificates of Insurance

What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

A certificate of insurance is an advisory document the Certificate Holder obtains from a Policyholder in order to determine the existence and amount of insurance issued to the Policyholder by an insurance company.

Why Do We Need a COI?

To confirm that the Policyholder is, in fact, insured and that the terms of coverage meets District requirements.

Why is it Important?

There are many reasons to want to verify that a Policyholder has adequate insurance. If a third-party gets injured on our premises the district could be held liable for the claim. We want to make certain vendors are properly insured against losses that might otherwise expose them to liability. It is the same with contractors, franchisees and anyone else who could put the District at risk of being responsible for the actions, carelessness or negligence of others.

COI Procedures

Insurance Endorsement & Procedure Requirements

Property Loss

Property Loss claims should be reported immediately to Risk Management. Please complete the form and return to Risk Management if you wish to report a property loss claim.

Property Loss Claim Form

Property Endorsement

When the District has purchased new or leased property, a Property Endorsement Request will need to be completed. Please complete the form below and Immediately forwarded to Risk Management for insurance coverage.

Property Endorsement Request Form

Please contact Risk Management at 310-434-8170 if you have any additional questions.