Santa Monica College

About SMC

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Welcome to SMC!

California's #1 transfer college for 34 years! Tops in transfers to UC, USC, and LMU. A world-class education and endless possibilities.

You've come to a special place. We believe that Santa Monica College offers an outstanding and unique educational experience. We also believe that we provide a wealth of resources to the community.

What makes us special? Aside from our academic excellence, we have features unique to us – including the John Drescher Planetarium; the beautiful Broad Stage (opens in new window)  at the SMC Performing Arts Center, a premiere performing arts venue; and the Center for Media and Design that houses programs like the Bachelor degree in Interaction Design.

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SMC is the Place for You

Santa Monica College – a two-year community college accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges – opened in 1929 with just 153 students. It has now grown to a thriving campus with more than 25,000 students and offerings in more than 100 fields of study.

We have an impressive academic record. We are the leader among the state's 116 community colleges in transferring students to the University of California, University of Southern California, Loyola Marymount University, and other four-year campuses.

Santa Monica College is one of the most affordable institutions of higher education in the world. And we have an active Financial Aid & Scholarships office that will help you get the funds you need to pay for your college education.

Student Support in a Vibrant Space

Set on a 38-acre main campus less than two miles from the beach and several nearby satellite campuses, Santa Monica College has everything today's student needs to succeed — computer labs, athletic facilities, performing and visual arts spaces, and active student clubs. Our modern facilities have won numerous architectural and sustainability awards, as has our beautiful Quad with fountains, palm trees, and benches. Our award-winning faculty works closely with students to ensure their success, and we have numerous student support services to help students meet their goals.

Our academic excellence and prime location in a vibrant urban area attracts students from all over the world. Santa Monica College boasts one of the largest international student populations of any community college in the nation, with approximately 3,300 from more than 100 countries.

Career Training for You

We also pride ourselves on preparing students for careers of the 21st century, in growing fields like interaction design, cloud computing, technical theatre, and global trade and logistics. In addition, the 180+ career-focused degrees and certificates we offer encompass traditional fields like nursing, early childhood education/teacher training, film production, and so many more.

Our Community Education program offers a broad range of classes in such fields as computers, career enhancement, the arts, self development, and fitness.

SMC is Part of the Community

Members of our community are invited to take advantage of a wealth of affordable cultural and recreational offerings, including concerts, plays, art and photo shows, and lectures. The college has attracted world-renowned speakers, including President Clinton.

Our widely praised SMC Emeritus Program was founded in 1974 to serve people 55 and older by offering classes in downtown Santa Monica and conveniently located community facilities.

SMC also brings the best of public radio to Southern California through the award-winning college station KCRW (opens in new window) (89.9 FM).


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Proud to Be SMC