Student Support

Welcome Center

Welcome new students! As you begin your college journey, know that SMC is here to help you.

front of welcome center

Office Contact


Call:  Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PDT​ & Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. PDT

Live Chat:  Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Friday: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. PDT

In-Person Services

Welcome Center Café

Have general questions about enrollment, but can't make it to campus? Come to the virtual Welcome Center Café! You can learn about the application and enrollment process, as well as resources available to new students to help them get started. The Zoom Cafe is open Monday-Friday from 3 - 5 p.m. PDT.

Join The Café (opens in new window)

Apply to SMC

Information for High School College / Guidance Counselors & Community Group Leaders section:

To Request an SMC Rep 

Want a private workshop just for your students? You can request a Santa Monica College Representative to meet with your high school students or attend your college fair online. This form is for high school college & guidance counselors and community group leaders to submit their request.

We appreciate as much advance notice as possible, three weeks minimum is optimal, but we will do our best to accommodate all requests. You may also contact us via email at: 

Request an SMC Rep (opens in new window)

SMC Promise Program

Have questions about the SMC Promise program? Need to know how to get your SMC ID card? Visit the SMC Promise Program Guide for all things SMC Promise, including information about eligibility, benefits, and book vouchers!

Important Information.  Don't miss it.  Your Presence Matters!

SMC Promise Guide


Information for High School Counselors

We have dedicated tools and resources for high school counselors to help their students successfully apply and attend SMC. 

High School Counselors

Becoming an SMC Student

The resources below are designed to help students join the SMC community and be prepared for success.

Additional Student Resources

Welcome to SMC!

SMC is California's #1 transfer college for 25+ years, with the highest number of transfers to UCs, CSUs, UCLA, USC & LMU. A world-class education and endless possibilities.

Proud to be SMC!

Learn more about Santa Monica College. We are #ProudToBeSMC 💙

Share Your New Student Story (opens in new window)