Veterans Success Center

CalVet Dependent Fee Waiver


Dependents of military veterans that are service-connected permanently by the Veterans Administration at 0% or more are entitled to full tuition waivers if they meet the criteria below.

Note: All students must meet California residency requirements.

Plan A

The spouse, registered domestic partner, child (under the age of 27) or unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who is totally service-connected disabled, or who has died of service-connected causes may qualify.

Plan B

The child of a veteran who has a permanent service-connected disability. The child's income and value of support provided by a parent cannot exceed the national poverty level. To view this year's poverty level, visit the California Department of Veteran Affairs (opens in new window) .

Where to Apply

Contact your local County Veterans Service Office for more information and to download an application.

Once approved, you will need to fill out the California College Promise Grant and turn it into the financial aid office. Be sure to check item number 18 as yes.