Admissions & Records Forms
SMC embraces the concepts of universal design and user-friendliness. However, some documents may not be machine-readable text. If you are a person with a disability who needs additional assistance to fully access the contents of a document on this website, feel free to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities office at (310) 434-4265, or email them at
Check MyForms Portal
Submitted a form already or you have one in progress, find it at MyFormS portal.
MyForms Portal (opens in new window)
Online Forms
Login is required for most forms. Students should use their SMC username and password.
Login required
PDF Forms
Forms may either be in PDFs format or fillable online forms (log in required). For PDF forms, first download the form and save it to your computer. Then, open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader (opens in new window) .
Instructions to Submit New Forms
- Click on the form link.
- If your see a window with "SMC SIGN-ON," enter your SMC username and password. Your
username is your last, first, and middle name in this format: lastname_firstname_middlename.
- Complete and submit the form. Forms time-out after 45 minutes If you cannot complete
it, and the form has been enabled to save your progress, click the “Save Progress”
button at the bottom of the page. You can return to it later by login in at The "MyForms" portal shows forms you have submitted and those you have in progress.
- Click on “Pending/Draft Forms”.
- Identify the form you would like to resume and then click on the “Complete Form” button on the right side of the screen.
- To review forms you have submitted in the past, click on “Forms History.” Then click on the icon for PDF or for the HTML view.
- Once you have completed the missing questions/items, click the “Submit” button.
- Once submitted, you will be prompted to view and download a PDF version of the submitted form. You can always see it, too, by login in at the MyForms portal.
Admission & Concurrent Enrollment

Degree and Certificate Petitions
Students are strongly encouraged to submit degree and/or certificate petitions during the term they intend to finish the requirements for their degree/certificate. Petitions will only be accepted during these periods:
- Fall Petitions: Start of Fall to December 1 (all degrees and certificates)
- Spring Petitions: Start of Spring to April 15 (all degrees and certificates)
- Summer Petitions: Start of Summer to July 31 (all degrees and certificates)
- Winter Petitions: Start of Winter to end of Winter (only for noncredit Certificates of Completion and Certificates of Competency)
Certification Petitions
- Year-Round: CSU GE and IGETC Certification Petitions
Petition Forms
Login is required on all forms below. Use your SMC Username and password to log in.
Fall Petition OK
Winter Petition OK
Spring Petition OK
Summer Petition OK
Enrollment, Withdrawals, & Grades

General Forms

If you stopped attending SMC 2+ years ago and do not have access when trying to login, use this alternate (opens in new window) form. You will need to create an account first as specified


Student Records Forms

Update legal name, date of birth, gender, or social security number

Transfer Related

Update legal name, date of birth, gender, or social security number
Instructor Forms
Counselor Forms
(login required)
If you downloaded a PDF form, you may mail it to to the address below, particularly if the form requires payment. Make your check payable to Santa Monica College.
Santa Monica CollegeAdmissions & Records
1900 Pico Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405