Housing Allowance
Ground enrollment or ground and distance enrollment combination.
Eligibility/Rate of Pursuit
All enrollment's rate of pursuit must be greater than ½.
For those attending classes at the greater than ½ time rate, a monthly housing allowance (MHA) based on the Basic Allowance for Housing (opens in new window) for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school.
Your Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) is generally the same as the military Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents. Your MHA is based on the ZIP code for your school. MHA rate increases based on BAH increases are effective August 1 (the beginning date of the academic year).
The housing allowance is paid at a percentage based on your training time.
MHA Rate Exceptions
Type of School | MHA Rate |
Foreign School | $1,509.00 |
Schools in US Territories | E-5 with dependents OHA Rate for school location |
Exclusively Online Training (No Classroom Instruction) | $754.50 |
Attending classes at ½ time or less | Not Payable |
Active Duty Trainee (or transferee spouse of service member) | Not Payable |
Distance Only Enrollment
For those enrolled solely in distance learning the housing allowance payable is equal to ½ the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents.
Foreign School Enrollment
For those attending foreign schools (schools without a main campus in the U.S.) the
MHA rate is fixed The academic year begins on August 1. (Active duty students & their spouses cannot receive the MHA.)
Refer to GI BILL website (opens in new window) for updated information.