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Belize & Guatemala


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Summer 2018 Study Abroad Program

June 18 - July 27, 2018

As part of a college-wide initiative to encourage students to develop a broader and more global perspective, we would like to introduce students to the rich history and cultural diversity of Latin America.

Featuring a multidisciplinary approach, the Latin American Education Program strives to provide an intensive experience for students, encouraging them to better understand the people of cultures of Central America.

Spend three weeks in Belize and Guatemala exploring ancient Maya ruins, living among one of the most ethnically and culturally diversified regions of the world, and working together with national museums and environmental preserves. Your learning adventure will take you to the lush river valley of central Belize, the jungles of Guatemala, and the second-largest barrier reef in the world! You will also enjoy excursions to archaeological sites such as Tikal, Cahal Pech, Xunantunich, and the amazing Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave! In addition, a key element that distinguishes the Latin American Education Program is its emphasis on Community and Service Learning and you will have the opportunity to work closely with local children and the elderly as part of our public outreach efforts.

Travel and Earn Credit

Anthropology 21: Peoples and Power in Latin America (3 Units)

Dr. Eric Minzenberg, IGETC Area 4 (Social & Behavioral Sciences), Transfer: UC, CSU

This course will introduce students to the historical and cultural use of power by peoples and cultures in Latin America. We will investigate the use of power in the Latin American peoples and cultures who lived prior to contact with Europeans, in colonial and post-colonial culture in Latin America, as well as in contemporary Latin American society. The investigation of the power of the US/Mexican border and of globalization within Latin America will also be covered in this course. A cross-cultural perspective will be employed drawing from examples in Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean, South America, and from the influence of countries outside of Latin America including the United States, England, France, Portugal, Spain, China, and Japan. Power relations included in the notions of race, class, gender and sexuality, immigration and migration, and indigenism (amongst others), as they are practiced in Latin America, are explored throughout the semester.

Anthropology 4: Methods of Archaeology (3 Units)

Dr. Brandon Lewis, IGETC Area 4 (Social and Behavioral Sciences, Transfer: UC, CSU
*Maximum UC credit allowed for Anthropology 3 and Anthropology 4 is one course (3 units).

This is an introductory lecture class on the field and laboratory methods used by archaeologists to understand our past. Topics include the scientific method, archaeological research design, archaeological reconnaissance, excavation, relative and absolute dating techniques, analyses of archaeological remains, and Cultural Resource Management.

Faculty Biographies

Program Details

Itinerary Flyer (opens in new window)

Program Steps and Dates

  • Classes at SMC: June 18 - June 28 and July 23-27, 2018

  • Belize and Guatemala: June 29-July 21, 2018

  • Application and First Deposit Deadline: Thursday, April 26, 2018, at 12 noon-$1000

Program Cost

Expense Type Cost Deadline

Program Fee

Includes in-country ground transportation, accommodation, cultural excursions per itinerary, some meals, and mandatory iNext medical insurance.


First Deposit $1000 due: Thursday, April 26, 2018 - noon

Final Deposit due: Friday, May 18, 2018 - noon

Program is non-refundable after

May 18, 2018

Registration Fee

$276 Resident Tuition

$2220 Non-Resident Tuition

International Education Center will register you for class before program departure. You must pay tuition before departure.

Total Estimated Costs



Estimated Additional Costs

Expense Type Cost Deadline

Round Trip Airfare

  Student must book own airfare.

Do not book any airfare at this time. Faculty will supply instructions on booking airfare.


11 lunches/4 dinners are not included in program fee-all breakfasts included





TBD - U.S. Citizens do not need a visa to travel to Belize & Guatemala. Non-US citizens contact the Belize and Guatemala consulates for more information. See links below under "More Information"

Personal spending money



Course Materials

$125 Estimated cost of required course materials to be selected by faculty

Passport (new – if you do not have a current passport)


Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing of a new passport.


SMC Global Citizenship Scholarships available up to $1,000.

Payment Options

Personal Checks, Cashiers Checks, Money Order and Credit Cards* (3% transaction fee on credit card payments)

Get Your Passport (opens in new window)

Key Dates

Title Date(s) More Information

Informational Sessions

Feb 22: 11:30 - 12:30 HSS 155, Feb 27: 11:30 - 12:30 HSS 255,

Mar 1: 11:30 - 12:30 HSS 204


Application Deadlines and Payments

Late applications will be considered on a case by case basis.

Initial Deposit to reserve space – $1000 by April 26 , 2018

Final payment due: May 18th

Apply online . Bring deposit to International Education Center along with your passport, medical form, and Overseas Agreement form by April 26th

SMC Global Citizenship Scholarship


Meet with Stacy Neal, Financial Aid by Friday, May 4, 2018

Scholarship may not be used toward initial deposit

Mandatory Forms

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Online Study Abroad application

Overseas Release Form

Medical Release Form

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be a current SMC student and take the offered courses. If you are not currently an SMC student, you may apply online

  • All participants must be 18 years old by April 26 , 2018

  • Have a valid passport by April 26 , 2018

  • Participants who are non-US passport holders are responsible for obtaining a visa to enter Belize and Guatemala if applicable

  • Pay all program fees and tuition by the deadline. If you are a financial aid recipient, check with the Financial Aid office about using financial aid to your tuition and fees.

Resources on Program Locations