Applications are now open for the Global Citizenship Scholarship for SMC Study Abroad programs! The amount awarded for scholarships depends on the study abroad program.
Eligibility Requirements
Complete the Online Application by the deadline for the program.
Demonstrate financial need for the scholarship (see Application Process- steps 2 and 3 below)
Be an SMC student:
Full‐time student enrolled in 12 units in the current semester, whether it is fall or spring
Part‐time student enrolled in a minimum of 6 units during the previous semester and 6 units during the current semester or 3 units in an intersession semester (summer or winter) and 9 units in the current semester.
Be an Associated Students (A.S.) member.
Be in good disciplinary standing.
Have a minimum of 6 semester college credits completed at SMC or another U.S. college or university when applying.
Have a minimum 2.5 GPA for courses completed at SMC or another U.S. college or university.
- Have a FAFSA on file with SMC Financial Aid Office.
Recipient Requirements
If you are awarded a scholarship, you must:
Confirm by emailing the SMC International Education Center (IEC) at to acknowledge acceptance of the scholarship.
Complete the follow-on project by the time specified depending on the Study Abroad program selected. The follow-on project consists of writing a retrospective of your time abroad including what you gained and learned from the experience, and how it's changed your world view of being a Global Citizen. Additional details will be provided once you’re notified about receiving a scholarship.
Application Process
Submit an online application for the SMC Study Abroad Program.
Demonstrate financial need for the scholarship. Students must have a current complete FAFSA on file with the SMC Financial Aid office. Submit a FAFSA (opens in new window)
Submit a statement explaining reasons for wanting to study abroad. Include your name and SMC ID number on the document. And answer these questions:
Why do you want to be part of this program?
What do you hope to gain from the experience?
What makes you an outstanding candidate for the scholarship?
How does being a global citizen translate to a Study Abroad program?
Submit an unofficial transcript (available to download/print on Corsair Connect)
Email your statement and your unofficial transcript to
Make sure to put your full name and “GC Scholarship App” in the subject line!
You will be notified within one (1) to two (2) weeks of the application deadline if you are a scholarship recipient.
Scholarships cannot be used toward the initial deposit for the trip.
If you have questions, email