SMC Promise


Learn how to register your METRO TAP card.

Steps to Register Your TAP Card

SMC Promise students can obtain a METRO/GO TAP card without having to first pay the $22.50 student Benefits Fee. However, the METRO system must first recognize that a student is part of SMC Promise or the fees will still be assessed.

NOTE: Do NOT opt-out of the $22.50 Student Benefits Fee. Doing so will prevent you from obtaining a METRO/GO TAP card. The process can be completed by following the steps below:

  1. Log into Corsair Connect to obtain a TAP enrollment code. NOTE: Enrollment code will not display until the benefits fee of $22.50 is paid. SMC Promise students are exempt. 
    • Click "Enrollment" tab
    • Click Menu on left side of screen
    • Click Metro/BBB TAP card at the bottom of the menu
    • Look for Eligibility Code at the top of the page
  2. Register your TAP card (opens in new window)
    • Students can use an existing TAP card, OR
    • For a virtual card on your phone, download the TAP app
      • Transfer your physical TAP card to your phone
      • Use the new virtual card number on your phone to register TAP card. Your physical TAP card will be deactivated and cannot be used.
      • Email to request a TAP card. Tap cards can be picked up or mailed to address on file. Please include FULL NAME and SMC ID number in the email.
  3. For issues with TAP registration, please contact METRO directly at: