Applying to SMC is Easy!
Regardless of DACA-eligibility, immigration status does not affect admission eligibility. Undocumented students may attend SMC and are encouraged
to apply for a Nonresident Tuition Exemption if they qualify (see below). Under California
and federal law, SMC does not disclose information to any agency or person without
the consent of the student (except when compelled to do so through a Court-issued
subpoena). To complete the application, please follow these steps:
1. Register with OpenCCC: To begin the SMC application, create an account with the OpenCCC application system which moderates the Santa Monica College application You will need a real, permanent, email address - avoid using emails that may expire such as emails from other schools. This address should be your personal email account--not your parent's or that belonging to someone else. If you already have an OpenCCC account, just log in. Once you create your account with OpenCCC you will be issued an OpenCCC ID - this is not your Santa Monica College ID number, proceed with the next steps to complete the application and receive your Santa Monica College ID number.
2. Apply to SMC: Complete and submit your Santa Monica College admissions application. Remember: Creating your OpenCCC account is just the first step - be sure to proceed with the Santa Monica College application once you have created your OpenCCC account. You will receive an application confirmation number the moment you complete the application, keep a record of that number should you need to follow up on the status of your application.
3. Check your Email: You should receive an email from Santa Monica College admissions just minutes after completing the application notifying you of your status. If additional information is required to process your application, you will be notified and asked to provide it for further review. If admitted, you will receive your admissions email, student ID number, and account activation instructions, sent by Admissions & Records within the hour (check junk mail if you did not receive it). If you do not receive a follow up email from Admissions & Records please contact and provide us your confirmation number for further assistance.
Apply to SMC Today! (opens in new window)
Special instructions for Application Questions
- A Social Security Number is not needed to apply. Reporting a Social Security Number or Individual Tax Payer Identification Number
on the application is optional. If you have received an SSN through DACA or you have
an ITIN, you may report it. If you do not want to provide it, or do not have one,
you will be asked to check a box at the bottom of the page labeled “Check this box
if you do not have a Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number, or
decline to provide one at this time.”
- For the citizenship question, choose "Other". In the Citizenship/Military section of the application, choose “Other” from the drop-down menu and click the box labeled “No documents."
- Complete the California Dream Act Application (AB 540 students). The earlier you apply, the better.
- Submit a Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB540) to Admissions and Records, along with your California high school transcript.
We will accept an unofficial transcript showing you are a high school graduate.
What is the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption? California Community College students who qualify for the Nonresident Tuition Exemption (previously referred to as the AB540 Exemption) will be charged in-state enrollment fees—currently, $46 per unit, and not the supplemental tuition charged to nonresidents.
Criteria to qualify may be found on the Exemption form.
- If enrollment for the Summer or Fall terms starts before your June high school graduation, we will accept the Exemption form above, if you meet the eligibility requirements. We will allow you to submit an unofficial transcript showing your high school progress to-date. This will allow you to enroll and pay in-state-fees. However, you must follow-up with an official transcript showing you graduated high school. This transcript must be received no later than September 15. Otherwise, you will owe the full nonresident tuition.
- Once you have applied, you will get an email informing you if orientation, placement, and education planning are required. See a counselor to help select your classes.
- Once you complete all steps above, you will be able to enroll in classes for the term you applied for. You may enroll on or after your enrollment date and time.
- Find your enrollment date and time, and also enroll in classes on Corsair Connect (opens in new window) .
- Effective Winter/Spring 2022, on-ground class enrollment requires pre-approved proof of vaccination. Online class enrollment does not require proof of vaccination (details at Vaccines).
- Finish your degree or certificate faster by enrolling in 12-15 units in fall and spring semesters.
- Review the Schedule of Classes and then enroll on your student portal, Corsair Connect (opens in new window) .