How to Apply for the DREAM Act
Submit a DREAM Act Application (opens in new window) online (SMC School Code: 00128600). Priority Deadline for the 25-26 Cal Grant program is April 2, 2025.
Submit an AB 540 Affidavit (opens in new window) to Admissions and Records Office with an official High School Transcript, GED certificate or the equivalent.
Meet with a college counselor to develop an education plan to help you achieve your goals.
About the California DREAM Act
The California Dream Act of 2011 is the result of two bills, Assembly Bill 130 (AB 130) and Assembly Bill 131 (AB 131). Together, these bills allow undocumented and documented students who meet certain provisions of AB 540 law (see below) to apply for and receive private scholarships funneled through public universities (AB 130), state administered financial aid, university grants, and community college fee waivers (AB 131).
To receive Dream Act aid, AB 540 and AB 131 students must:
Have attended a California high school for a minimum of three years
Graduate from a California high school or pass the California Proficiency Program (CPP), formerly known as the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), or get a General Equivalency Diploma (GED, also called General Educational Development test)
Enroll in an accredited California institution of higher education
In the case of students without legal immigration status, fill out an affidavit stating that they have filed or will file an application to legalize their immigration status as soon as they are eligible to do so
What is AB 540?
Signed into law in October 2001, California Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540) is a bill that provides an exemption to the requirement to pay nonresident tuition. It was later adopted by the California Community Colleges (CCC) the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems.
Any student who meets the specific requirements shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at all public colleges and universities in California.
What Are AB 540 Requirements?
Student must have attended a high school in California for three or more years;
Student must have graduated from a California High school or attained the equivalent of a high school diploma (i.e. passed the GED or CA High School Proficiency Exam);
Student must register or be currently enrolled in one of the three state institutions of higher learning (CCC, CSU, UC);
Students without immigration status must file an affidavit with the college or university stating that s/he has applied/legalize his/her legal status or will do so as soon as s/he is eligible to do so.
DREAM Act Forms (opens in new window)