Campus address: 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica Ca, 90405
Test location: The Success and Engagement Center is located on Pico Blvd in the Student Services Building, first floor, across from Financial Aid.
Entrance to the Success and Engagement Center will be through the middle North exterior door on the East side of the Student Services building. Students will follow a one-way route and be seating at designated desks.
If you plan to park on campus, you will need to register your cars license plate with SMC. Please go to to register your plate. Parking if free for Spring 2023. If you forget to register your vehicle, you could get a ticket.
STEP 1: Instructor must identify the students needing to use the Success and Engagement Center (SEC) services during the semester. They will complete the "Proctoring Needs for Alternative Proctorio Testing" form. This form should come from your Department Chair and will need to be submitted once you confirm you are allowing a student to use alternative testing options.
STEP 2: Student scheduled an appointment with the Success and Engagement Center (SEC). SEC confirms the student has been verified as needing services (reviews Step 1 for completion)
STEP 3: SEC will email the instructor with information regarding the students scheduled exam time, date, and length. This email will also include the link to the “Allowed Testing Materials and Guideline” form to complete. This document informs the SEC regarding the materials allowed during testing, confirmation of the length of exam, proctor password (if needed), approved test date window, and any additional instructions for test administration.
PLEASE NOTE: The student must test through their Canvas Shell. The SEC will only be confirming approved testing materials, entering passwords if needed, and monitoring the student during the exam.