warning Icon SMC Malibu Campus Remains Closed

SMC Malibu Campus remains closed Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16, 2025 and will reopen on Monday, March 17.
More Information

Important F-1 Enrollment Requirements

  • All international students on an F-1 Visa must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each Fall and Spring semester. At least 9 units must be on-ground or hybrid, and only 1 online class of no more than 3 units can count toward the required 12 units. 
  • If you need help finding and enrolling in on-ground or hybrid courses, please speak with an IEC Counselor (opens in new window) .
  • If a particular class you need is not being offered in an on-ground or hybrid format, login to Corsair Connect and click on the “Classes & Enrollment” link in the side bar menu. Then click the “Request a Class” button at the top of the page, select a course, and select “100% On-Ground” OR “Hybrid” in the “Preferred Class Type” drop down menu. *There is no guarantee that your request will result in a course being opened, but a new section may be opened if enough students request the same class.
  • If your very first term in F-1 status at Santa Monica College will be in the Winter or Summer term, you must enroll in a minimum of 4 units. At least 3 units must be on-ground or hybrid, and only 1 online class can count toward the required 4 units.
WINTER or SUMMER (Final term of study only)
  • Students completing a degree in Summer or Winter who want to apply for OPT must follow F-1 rules pertaining to on-ground/online class units and enroll full-time or request RCL permission as outlined below.

    • Must enroll for at least one on-ground/hybrid class in their final term. Cannot take a fully online course of study in their final term.
    • Must request Final Semester RCL if enrolling in less than 4 units in their final term.
  • If you plan to study online from your home country, please make sure to communicate with the International Education Center so that your student record can be updated to "online student".  Students studying fully online from outside of the U.S. will not have an Active SEVIS Record/I-20 and cannot maintain F-1 status.
  • If you are studying from your home country and have any questions about your F-1 status, please email IntlEd@smc.edu from your SMC student email.

Allowable Deviations from Full Course of Study Requirement

  • A valid medical excuse. A student who has a temporary illness, injury, or other medical condition that needs to interrupt or reduce a full course of study is considered to be in status during the illness or other medical condition. A medical excuse letter must be prepared by a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist and then submitted to the International Education Center for consideration. If approved, the student will receive confirmation from the IEC. A student is allowed a maximum of three semesters below 12.0 units for a medical reason.

  • Vacation. An F-1 visa student is considered in status during the summer and winter sessions. Students are not required to attend the summer and winter sessions unless they have been initially admitted for a summer or winter session.

  • Valid academic reasons for enrolling less than full-time. A student who is having academic difficulty should meet with an IEC Counselor (opens in new window) to discuss permission to drop below 12.0 units. In special circumstances, students may be allowed to drop below 12.0 units for an academic reason. A student must receive prior permission from the International Counseling Office before dropping a class. A student is allowed a maximum of one semester below 12.0 units for academic difficulty in their first semester of study.

  • Undergraduates completing programs during the course term. An F-1 status student who needs fewer than 12 units to complete his or her program of study is considered to be pursuing a full course of study if the student enrolls in the number of credit hours necessary to complete the program in the final term. A student must seek permission from a counselor to take less than 12 units based on the last semester of study.

  • Post-completion practical training. A student on practical training following completion of studies is considered by USCIS (opens in new window) to be pursuing a full course of study.

  • Concurrent enrollment. An F-1 status student may enroll concurrently at another USCIS (opens in new window) approved college provided that through the combined enrollment, the student is enrolled in the equivalent of a full course of study. The student must obtain permission from the SMC counselor prior to enrolling at any other institution. It will be at the discretion of Santa Monica College to determine if concurrent enrollment at another college is necessary. Generally, approval is only granted if the course needed to meet the student's academic goal is not offered at SMC during the semester in question. The student must take the majority of their classes at Santa Monica College, a minimum of 8.0 units at SMC and a maximum of 6.0 units at the other institution.

How to Stay in Legal F-1 Visa Status

As an F-1 status student admitted to the United States, you are required to meet obligations set by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (opens in new window) (USCIS). The general obligations are as follows:

  1. Have a valid passport at all times.
  2. Attend the school you are authorized to attend on your I-20.
  3. Continue to carry a full course of study. A full course of study is to complete 12 units per semester, fall and spring.
  4. Leave the U.S. by the anticipated completion date on your I-20, or, prior to that date, apply for a program extension.
  5. Limit employment, both on campus and off, to a total of 20 hours per week while school is in session.
  6. Refrain from off-campus employment without written authorization from USCIS or the school.
  7. Report a change of residence within 10 days of the change.
  8. An F-1 status student may not take more than one online class per semester.
  9. Follow all state AND federal regulations. In cases where state and federal laws conflict, federal law supersedes state law. For example, marijuana use is legal in California, but prohibited by federal law. Be aware of applicable laws regarding alcohol and drug use, sexual conduct and consent, domestic disputes, theft, traffic and bike laws. SEVIS records may be Terminated for any criminal conviction.

Consequences of Being Out-of-Status

  • You risk possible deportation from the United States.
  • No employment on-campus or off-campus.
  • You may become ineligible for practical training.
  • You may have difficulty obtaining a renewal of your F-1 visa at the American Embassy or Consulate.
  • You may be barred from re-entering the U.S.
  • You may become ineligible to transfer to another university.
  • You might be denied an extension of stay or reinstatement from the United States Citizenship & Immigration Service.

How to Respond to Contact From Immigration Enforcement Agents

  • Ask for and take note of the officer's name, badge number, and agency.
  • Know that you have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If you wish to remain silent, you will need to say that you are choosing to remain silent or that you wish to speak to your attorney before answering any questions. 
  • Email ICE-notification@smc.edu with specific details of the encounter and copy the International Education Center at intled@smc.edu. The International Education Center can provide a list of attorneys upon request.
  • Visit the SMC Immigration website (opens in new window) for additional legal resources.

How to Regain Legal F-1 Visa Status

If you fall out-of-status while attending the college, you may reinstate your F-1 status in the following ways:

  • A formal reinstatement request may be submitted to the USCIS (opens in new window) requesting that the deviation from full-time status be approved. A student who has dropped below 12.0 units without permission will be terminated in the SEVIS system. In order to reinstate the SEVIS record to "active" status, an application for reinstatement must be made. The student should meet with the Immigration Specialist to discuss the reinstatement procedures. In most cases, a student who is in good academic standing and has maintained a full-time status in previous semesters will be able to obtain the reinstatement. Once reinstated, the student will be eligible for benefits such as practical training and off-campus work permit.

    Note: Students who have been reinstated may find that the USCIS (opens in new window) may cancel their F-1 visa stamp without prejudice. If the visa has been canceled, students traveling outside of the United States will need to obtain a new F-1 visa stamp in order to re-enter the U.S.

  • An F-1 status student may travel outside of the United States with a new I-20 marked “initial attendance”. Upon re-entering the U.S., the student should present the I-20 to the Immigration Officer at the Port-of-Entry. The Immigration Officer will stamp the new I-20. The student is considered reinstated as of the date of the stamp. The student will need to re-establish the 9-month eligibility for an off-campus work permit or practical training benefits. A copy of the new I-20 and I-94 should be presented to the International Education Center to be placed in the student file. Please note: Students who need a new F-1 visa may have difficulty obtaining a renewal of the F-1 visa stamp. In addition, students who reinstate through travel may experience significant delays at the port of entry whenever they travel to the U.S. in the future.

  • If you fall out-of-status during the semester, we recommend you see a counselor immediately to discuss your status. Santa Monica College offers many short-term classes during a semester. You may be able to take a short-term class and regain your full-time status.