Student Support

University of California TAG


Where do UC Yourself?

Follow these steps to transfer to the University of California

Step 1

TAP into the Transfer Admission Planner in order to begin your TAG or admission application.

Step 2

TAG – Transfer Admission Guarantee a spot to one of the six participating UC’s.

Step 3

APPLY to all UC’s including the one you TAGged to by syncing your Transfer Admission Planner.

Six UC campuses offer the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program for California community college students who meet specific requirements.

By participating in TAG, you will receive early review of your academic records, early admission notification and specific guidance about major preparation and general education coursework.


Important Dates and Deadlines for Fall 2023 UC TAGs

  • September 1 - 30: TAG submission period for students

  • No later than November 15: UC campuses post TAG decisions

  • October 1 - November 30: Fall 2025 UC application filing period - ALL TAG students must file a UC Admission Application, in addition to the TAG application!

  • Students can only TAG to one UC, but can apply to all other UC campuses during the regular admission application cycle (October 1 - November 30).

  • International students with foreign coursework are eligible for all TAGs.

  • To be eligible and get the benefits of a TAG, students must meet the following criteria in addition to all campus TAG criteria:

All Campuses Require:

  • Complete at least 30 UC-transferable units by the end of summer 2024, including units earned via AP, IB or A levels
  • Complete at least 30 UC-transferable units at one or more CCC by spring 2025, and a CCC must be the last school of attendance in a regular session
  • Must complete at least one UC-E (English) and one UC-M (Math) by fall 2024, and complete the second UC-E (English) by the end of the spring 2025
  • By the end of spring 2025: complete 60 UC-transferable units, complete 7-course pattern
  • Last term must have no more than 19 UC-transferable units (semester or quarter) in spring 2025 to reach junior standing
  • Must not exceed 80 semester/120 quarter total UC-transferable units, after applying lower-division limits (students with only CCC coursework and AP/IB/A level credits will not exceed this limit)
  • Must earn a 2.0 GPA in all UC-transferable coursework in the current fall/winter/spring terms with no grade lower than C
  • Note: The major on your UC application must match the major on your TAG application.
  • Must submit a Transfer Academic Update (TAU) by January 31, 2025.
  • Check each campus for major requirements. SMC major course equivalencies can be found at

NOTE: Berkeley, UCLA, and San Diego do not participate in TAG.

Students who complete the Scholars Program at SMC receive priority consideration for admission to UCLA College of Letters and Science. Admitted TAP students are eligible to apply for scholarships reserved for the Transfer Alliance Program.

University of California Schools