To be eligible and get the benefits of a TAG, you must meet the following criteria:
UC Riverside Undergraduate Admissions (opens in new window)
- By the end of summer 2024, have a minimum UC GPA as follows:
- College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (CHASS) (except Psychology, Theatre, Film and Digital Production): 2.8*
- Psychology, Theatre, Film and Digital Production: 3.3*
- School of Business (SB): 2.8*
- College of Natural and Agricultural Science (CNAS): 2.8*
- Graduate School of Education (GSOE): 2.7
- School of Public Policy: 2.7
- Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) (excluding exceptions below:
- Computer Science: 3.6
- Computer Engineering and Computer Science w/Business Applications: 3.3
- Mechanical Engineering: 3.1
- The School of Business Administration highly recommends completion of IGETC.
*Specific major courses required for a TAG (opens in new window)