California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to a participating HBCU.
Pick 1 of 2 Routes
Route A
- 60 Units
- 2.0 GPA
- Complete IGETC or CSU GE
- Earn an Associates Degree
* Ensures student enters at junior level and major courses will count towards major.
Route B
- 30 Units or More
- 2.0 GPA
* Units will be placed where the institution sees fit. It is at the discretion of the institution.
Once you have met 1 of 2 routes, you must meet with a counselor to:
- Get approved for TAG.
- Complete the Common Black College Application, Common Application, or the University
Website to apply.
- See the list below to find out which application you should use.
- Send all your college transcripts immediately!
If you use the Common Black College Application:
- The application takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- You do not have to enter most high school information including SAT/ACT scores.
- Your high school GPA will not be used to determine our admissions.
- If you graduated HS after 1990, select 1990 as your graduation year.
- If you attended more than one community college, list your most recent school.
- You do not have to enter your transcript information because you will mail them in.
The 39 participating institutions are:
- Alabama State University (opens in new window)
Montgomery, AL - Alcorn State University (opens in new window)
Lorman, MS - Arkansas Baptist College (opens in new window)
Little Rock, AR - Benedict College (opens in new window)
Columbia, SC - Bennett College (opens in new window)
Greensboro, NC - Bethune-Cookman University (opens in new window)
Daytona Beach, FL - Bowie State University (opens in new window)
Bowie, MD - Central State University (opens in new window)
Wilberforce, OH - Claflin University (opens in new window)
Orengeburg, SC - Clark Atlanta University (opens in new window)
Atlanta, GA - Dillard University (opens in new window)
New Orleans, LA - Edward-Waters College (opens in new window)
Jacksonville, FL - Fisk University (opens in new window) *
Nashville, TN - Florida Memorial University (opens in new window)
Miami Gardens, FL - Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, GA - Grambling State University (opens in new window)
Grambling, LA - Hampton University (opens in new window)
Hampton, VA - Harris-Stowe State University (opens in new window)
St. Louis, MO - Huston-Tillotson University (opens in new window)
Austin, TX - Kentucky State University (opens in new window)
Frankford, KY
- Lane College (opens in new window)
Jackson, TN - Lincoln University of Missouri (opens in new window)
Jefferson City, MO - Lincoln University of Pennsylvania (opens in new window) *
Lincoln University, PA - Mississippi Valley State University (opens in new window)
Itta Bena, MS - North Carolina Central University (opens in new window) **
Durham, NC - Philander Smith College (opens in new window)
Little Rock, AK - Shaw University (opens in new window)
Raleigh, NC - Southern University and A&M College (opens in new window)
Baton Rouge, LA - Southern University at New Orleans (opens in new window)
New Orleans, LA - Stillman College (opens in new window)
Tuscaloosa, AL - Talladega College (opens in new window)
Talladega, AL - Tennessee State University (opens in new window)
Nashville, TN - Texas Southern University (opens in new window) **
Houston, TX - Tougaloo College (opens in new window)
Jackson, MS - Tuskegee University (opens in new window)
Tuskegee, AL - Virginia State University (opens in new window)
Petersburg, VA - West Virginia State University (opens in new window)
Institute, WV - Wiley College (opens in new window)
Marshall, TX - Xavier University of Louisiana (opens in new window) **
New Orleans, LA
* Not on Common Black College Application – Use Common Application or University Website Application
** Not on Common Black College Application – Use Application on University Website only
Average Cost of Fees and Tuition: $13,500
Privates don’t have out-of-state tuition
Some public schools offer in-state tuition
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