Counseling is transitioning some petitions to online forms which permits students and staff to fill forms securely. Some forms will require that you to log in with your SMC email account/username (not your ID number) and password. You will be able to upload attachments directly on the form. Depending on how forms are configured, you may also get updates as the form progresses from submission, to review the status, and decision or response.
Instructions to Submit New Forms
- Click on the form link.
- If your see a window with "SMC SIGN-ON," enter your SMC username and password. Your username is your last, first, and middle name in this format: lastname_firstname_middlename.
- Complete and submit the form. Forms time-out after 45 minutes If you cannot complete
it, and the form has been enabled to save your progress, click the “Save Progress”
button at the bottom of the page. You can return to it later by logging in at (opens in new window) . The "MyForms" portal shows forms you have submitted and those you have in progress.
- Click on “Pending/Draft Forms”.
- Identify the form you would like to resume and then click on the “Complete Form” button on the right side of the screen.
- To review forms you have submitted in the past, click on “Forms History”. Then click on the icon for the PDF or for the HTML view.
- Once you have completed the missing questions/items, click the “Submit” button.
- Once submitted, you will be prompted to view and download a PDF version of the submitted form. You can always see it, too, by logging in at the MyForms portal.
Check MyForms Portal
Submitted a form already or you have one in progress, find it at MyForms portal.
Forms may either be in PDFs format or fillable online forms (log in required). For PDF forms, first download the form and save it to your computer. Then, open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader (opens in new window) .
SMC embraces the concepts of universal design and user-friendliness. However, some documents may not be machine-readable text. If you are a person with a disability who needs additional assistance to fully access the contents of a document on this website, feel free to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities office at (310) 434-4265, or email them at
Forms that require log in:
Log in with your SMC username and password. Your username is the first part of your SMC email address--everything before the "@" symbol. Same username you use for Canvas.
Preliminary Transcript GE Evaluation (opens in new window)
(Click on the link above-student login required)
- This evaluation service is for students who have completed college coursework at a U.S regionally accredited college/university or have completed AP, IB or CLEP exams. The evaluation will determine if the courses satisfy general education requirements for transfer to UC or CSU campuses, or for an SMC degree.
Special Consideration Request (opens in new window)
(Click on the link above- student login required)
- The Special Consideration Request is for counseling related appeals only, such as unit extensions, course repeat approvals, etc.
- Note: For information on credit course repetition policy, refer to the policy provided below.
- Students requesting the removal of a W or a change from W to an EW or from a substandard grade to an EW in a course due to extenuating circumstances or extraordinary conditions, the refund of tuition/fees, a residency appeal, or a general appeal of a regulation that the Admissions & Records Office oversees must submit a Special Consideration Petition to the Admissions & Records Office instead. Please visit the Admissions and Records Forms website.
Coursework satisfactorily completed from a foreign nation’s accredited university may apply as credit toward an Associate degree or a Certificate at Santa Monica College. All petitions are initiated with a counselor.
Students need to consult a counselor before requesting to have credits evaluated because the time it takes to evaluate a large number of units can delay enrollment. Courses must first be evaluated by an approved credential evaluation agency, and then reviewed by the Santa Monica College Admissions Office. Some courses also require approval by the department chair. Once courses are approved, their credit(s) may then be transferred to Santa Monica College.
Acceptable Foreign Transcripts Evaluation Agencies
To have foreign coursework credits evaluated, students should contact one of the approved credential evaluation agencies listed below and request a detailed equivalency report that indicates-for each course, its U.S. semester unit equivalency, and the grade the student earned:
All foreign evaluation reports must provide a course-by-course analysis.
International Educational Equivalency Evaluation Services, Inc. (opens in new window)
ACEI (Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc.) (opens in new window)
AERC (American Education Research Corporation) (opens in new window)
IERF (International Education Research Foundation) (opens in new window)
SpanTran (opens in new window) (discounted rate offered to SMC students on the Divisional Course Analysis service)
Note: Foreign coursework will not satisfy General Education requirements for Area II, Social Science, Group A (American History/Government) and for Area IV, Language and Rationality, Group A (English Composition).
Course Substitution/Equivalence Request (opens in new window)
(Counselor Initiated Only - login required)
- Students consult with a counselor to request a course substitution/equivalence and will need to provide course descriptions, an unofficial transcript and in some cases a course syllabus may be required. If your official transcript was recently mailed to SMC admissions, please email to verify your official transcript is on file for counselor access.
Foreign Coursework Evaluation (opens in new window)
(Counselor Initiated Only - use PDF below)
- Please review the "Process for Evaluating Foreign Coursework" and then submit the
Request for Evaluation of Foreign Transcripts
(opens in new window) petition.
GE Evaluation Request (opens in new window)
(Counselor Initiated Only - login required)
- Counselors can submit a GE Evaluation Request on a student's behalf. Students who have completed over 50 units at a prior institution will need to contact a counselor to have transcripts evaluated. Students who have completed fewer than 50 units can submit a Preliminary Transcript GE Evaluation (opens in new window) .
Petition for Academic & Progress Renewal, Active Student (opens in new window)
(Counselor Initiated Only - login required)
Petition for Academic & Progress Renewal, Inactive Student (opens in new window)
(Counselor Initiated Only - login required)
Academic Renewal Policy (opens in new window)
Progress Renewal Policy (opens in new window)
- All petitions are initiated by a counselor via a new online secure form process. If you have questions about the policy, it's impact on your academic transcript, and if the eligibility criteria is met based on your SMC transcript we encourage you to speak with a counselor to file for renewal. You may also request for renewal via online counseling, include in your email your name, SMC ID number, semester/session/year and course number (for example: summer 2018- Eng 1) for each course.
- If eligibility criteria is met by coursework completed at another accredited institution, you must first request your official transcript be mailed directly to SMC admissions. If you are requesting your electronic transcript to be sent, electronic transcripts must be sent directly by the institution through an accredited electronic transcript service, such as Parchment, Credentials, or the National Student Clearinghouse. If the order system for the accredited electronic service requires an email address for the recipient, you may provide this email address:
- Please confirm your official transcript from a regionally accredited college or university has been received, email to verify your official transcript is on file for counselor access. Then speak to a counselor to initiate your request.
Admission and Enrollment of High School and other Younger Students
Catalog Rights
(opens in new window)
(opens in new window)
Compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
(opens in new window)
Credit Course Repetition
(opens in new window)
Credit For Prior Learning And Credit By Exam
Graduation Requirements For Degrees
(opens in new window)
International Students
(opens in new window)
Number Of Degrees And Certificates Awarded To A Student
Other College Credit and Non Credit
(opens in new window)
Pass and No Pass grading
(opens in new window)
Petitioning for Degrees and Certificates
(opens in new window)
Recognition Of Academic Excellence
Shower Facilities for Unhoused Students
(opens in new window)
(opens in new window)
Transcripts Or Verification Of Student Records
Transfer Credit from Non-U.S. Institutions
(opens in new window)