Language Lab

Visit the Modern Languages Lab at Drescher Hall, Room 220.

A photograph of the Modern Languages Lab

Modern Languages Lab

The Modern Languages Lab, located in Drescher Hall, Room 220, is a free computer lab designed for language students to enhance their language skills, complete assignments, and attend Zoom lectures. The lab provides access to various language learning resources, including Mango Languages and Transparent Language, all offered at no cost to students. Students can also receive assistance from the Language Lab Support Desk staff inside the Modern Languages Lab.

For help with your classes or tutoring information, visit the Modern Languages Tutoring Center.


Learn more about the free resources offered by the Language Lab.
A large colorful M with the words MANGO written below it.

Mango Languages

Mango Languages is a free language learning app available to all SMC language students. It provides structured vocabulary lessons and additional tools to help students practice and improve their language skills.

Transparent Language Online logo

Transparent Language

Transparent Language is a free language learning platform available to SMC language students. It provides a wide range of activities designed to support students in their language learning process.

A colorful image with various postcards filling a globe-like shape. The word VOICETHREAD is written below.


VoiceThread is an interactive presentation and collaboration tool that allows students to engage with slides containing photos, images, and videos.

A grey and blue rocketship representing ASuite

Language Lab Media Finder

The Language Lab Media Finder is a faculty-curated application that enables language students to access a variety of articles, textbooks, and websites.


The Language Lab Support Desk provides technical assistance and support for the labs resources. Students can contact a Lab Support team member via email, phone, or by scheduling an appointment.

Contact the Lab Support Desk



The Modern Languages Tutoring Center offers free hybrid peer tutoring for language students in Drescher Hall, Room 219. Appointments are recommended!

To book a free tutoring session, visit Corsair Connect (opens in new window) or contact the Tutoring Coordinator (opens in new window)  for more information.

Tutoring Center



  1. The Modern Languages Lab is reserved for students currently enrolled in a Modern Languages and Cultures course. We may monitor student activity to support language studying, practice, and relevant coursework.
  2. Students must sign in at the front desk before using the Modern Languages Lab.
  3. Please be courteous to fellow students, tutors, faculty, and staff.
  4. No eating or drinking is allowed inside the Modern Languages Lab.
  5. Students should read and become familiar with the Santa Monica College Student Computer Use Policy.
  6. Students should not unplug, move, or modify any hardware, software, materials, or furniture in the Modern Languages Lab.
  7. Computer workstations will log off users automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity. Remember to save your work (Ctrl+S) and log off when done.
  8. Santa Monica College and the Modern Languages Learning Center are not responsible for lost or missing items.





  • Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
  • Friday: Closed (remote support available)
  • Saturday: 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

The Language Lab is closed during all campus holidays, breaks, and when classes are not in session. Hours are subject to change.
