Become an A.S. Commissioner
A.S. Commissioners work with and assist a particular A.S. Director.
A.S. Commissioners not only gain leadership experience but also contribute to the S.M.C. community.
The exact duties of an A.S. Commissioner depend on both the projects and responsibilities of their respective A.S. Director.
To apply to be an A.S. commissioner, complete the following electronic forms:
Join a Committee
By joining a committee through A.S., you have the opportunity to represent your fellow S.M.C. students in decisions that affect both the whole student body and the entire campus.
A.S. offers opportunities to join two types of committees:
A.S. Committees
Santa Monica College Campus-Wide Committees
A.S. committee members contribute to various A.S. projects, events, and decisions.
Santa Monica College Campus-wide committee members (A.S. representatives) speak for students in key decisions about S.M.C. as a whole.
To apply to be an A.S. committee member or A.S. representative, fill out the following electronic forms:
A.S. Committee Member / Representative Application
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