
Leadership Opportunities


Become an A.S. Commissioner

Join a Committee

  • By joining a committee through A.S., you have the opportunity to represent your fellow S.M.C. students in decisions that affect both the whole student body and the entire campus.

  • A.S. offers opportunities to join two types of committees:

    • A.S. Committees

    • Santa Monica College Campus-Wide Committees

  • A.S. committee members contribute to various A.S. projects, events, and decisions.

  • Santa Monica College Campus-wide committee members (A.S. representatives) speak for students in key decisions about S.M.C. as a whole.

  • To apply to be an A.S. committee member or A.S. representative, fill out the following electronic forms:

    A.S. Committee Member / Representative Application(PDF File) (opens in new window)

    A.S. FERPA Instruction(PDF File) (opens in new window)

Join a Club

Clubs (Inter-Club Council Webpage) (opens in new window)

Club-List (Club Webpages) (opens in new window)