Student Government

Create a Club


All clubs must follow this process (legacy clubs, clubs from last year, and new clubs).

Step 1: Find Members

  • All club members must be currently enrolled SMC students
  • A minimum of 6 students who have purchased a current A.S. Resource Fee
  • Club officers must fulfill the officer eligibility
    • Must have a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A.
    • Must be currently enrolled in 5 units
    • Must have purchased a current A.S. Resource Fee (waivers not accepted)
  • Each club must have the following officers to start a club:
    • Club President
    • ICC Delegate (Official Officer)
  • Must use a democratic plan for the selection of members

Step 2: Find an Advisor

  • All clubs need one Primary Advisor (full time faculty or full time manager)
  • Additionally, 1-2 co-advisors may be chosen (part-time faculty, full-time faculty, full-time manager, or full-time classified employee) 

Step 3: Complete Club Logistics

  • Submit electronic Club Registration form and attachments for the current semester
  • The Club Registration Form is due by 4 p.m. on a Wednesday, at least one week before an ICC Meeting, and not the same week as an ICC Meeting

Step 4: Review by the Office of Student Life

  • Reviews GPA, 5 unit and paid AS fees
  • Review if advisors are Part Time or Full Time
  • Once approved, information sent to ICC communication 

Step 5: Vote by ICC

  • Upon approval of a club’s Registration Form, the ICC Communication Officer adds clubs to ICC meeting agenda
    • Club President and/or ICC Delegate must attend ICC Meeting for club installation
  • If voted and approved by ICC, club is installed during ICC meeting

Step 6: Post-ICC Approval

  • Club added to ICC list
  • Club can go about official business
  • For Charter Clubs:
    • President and ICC delegate must attend a 1-hour Club Leader Orientation. New and/or replacement club officers must complete orientation within 1 month of appointment to their club leadership position
    • Must Attend ICC Meetings to maintain membership in the ICC
  • For additional club installation information, please read Club Handbook