Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship Global Grants


Call for Proposals - Global Grants for Spring 2025

The Global Citizenship Committee is pleased to make a call for Global Grant proposals to support projects and events that will take place during Spring Semester 2025. Funding is available to support a variety of selected activities (speakers, field trips, campus events, and more) that center on any topic concerning the idea or practice of global citizenship. Applications are due Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
Applications should be submitted via the online form linked here: Global Grant Application (opens in new window) .  The Global Citizenship Committee will review the proposals and notify recipients prior to the end of fall semester. Please direct any questions to the Global Citizenship Committee Chair, Delphine Broccard ( To view pictures and recaps of previous global grant projects and events, please visit the Global Grants Recaps Page.

As in the past, we favor proposals that are student centered, such as developing a research project, event, or publication in which students are featured contributors. Our aim is to impact a large and diverse population of our students rather than a few who are part of a select program. Building capacity means creating scalable programs, developing expertise among faculty in the classroom and those leading our programs, and building the campus know-how to accomplish our goals.


  • Grants are available for up to $3000.00 per proposed project/event.
  • Honorarium amounts: $500.00 for in-person and $200.00 for Zoom speaking engagements. If need be, you'll have the chance to provide a rationale for requesting a higher honorarium in your application.
  • All marketing for the event should be done through the SMC Marketing Department (opens in new window) . Flier design & virtual distribution are free-proposals should not request funds for publicity unless they are unique for the project/event and properly rationalize in the application.
  • Proposals can be individual or group-directed, focused on a single area of interest or of a more interdisciplinary design. 
  • Proposals should clearly relate to the theme of Global Citizenship (opens in new window) .
  • For this round of funding, events and projects must take place during the spring 2025 semester. 
  • If awarded a grant for project/event, any publicity about it should indicate the sponsorship of the Global Citizenship Committee (see logo below).


  • Due to the fact that global grants are awarded with district funds, and as such, require prior approval by various departments and senior staff, all projects must adhere to their set deadlines and project description. Any changes must be submitted to the Global Citizenship Committee for review, approval, and submission to senior staff.
  • Absolutely NO agreements or contracts (implied, verbal, or in writing) can be made with vendors, contractors, or any person or organization without prior approval by the Board of Trustees (where necessary), Risk Management (where necessary), Fiscal Services, and Purchasing.
  • No purchases can be made by any SMC faculty or staff for the event. Any purchases or agreements made without prior approval by the proper contacts is at the sole expense of the purchaser.
  • Funds cannot be paid to any SMC faculty, staff or student for any involvement, planning, and/or assistance with the project.
  • Funds cannot be used for the purchase of food or catering.
  • Funds cannot be used for the purchase of gift cards. 
  • Funds cannot be used for attendance at conferences.
  • For fall grants, funds must be used before the end of the semester. For spring grants, funds must be used before the end of April.

Event Planning and Logistics

Task Responsibility
Determining event details and needs Project Coordinator
Booking rooms, requesting set-up needs Project Coordinator
Requesting quotes, costs, and scope of work* Project Coordinator
Preparing agenda item for Board of Trustees approval SMC Purchasing Dept
Preparing paperwork for fiscal/purchasing approvals and purchase order issuance IEC with Project Coordinator
Event day logistics, hosting, coordination Project Coordinator
Invoicing for payment of services/supplies Vendor/Contractor
Purchasing of supplies and materials using grant funds SMC Purchasing Dept

* Please note that pricing quotes should explicitly be quotes ONLY and not any kind of agreement (implied, verbal, or written) of payment for services rendered. Any and all expenditures must be approved by fiscal services and purchasing prior to any agreement, contract, or purchase being made.
  • If your event involves any travel anywhere off campus such as a local field trip, you must have all participants complete the required forms. Please contact Risk Management for these forms.

Post Event

  • After the event, the GC committee would like you to submit a deliverable, or record of the event. This can be a recording (closed captioned), a written summary, photos, a presentation, etc. whatever is the most effective way to capture your event and its topic. The GC committee will feature your deliverable on its website along with the reviews of it.
  • Reviews from students and/or faculty can be in the form of student assignments, faculty emails, survey answers, etc.--whatever way is easiest to capture the sentiments of the attendees of the event.