Global Citizenship

2011-12: Health, Wellness, and the Pursuit of Happiness


Through a campus-wide online vote, Santa Monica College students, faculty, and staff, chose the 2011-2012 Global Citizenship theme.

The Global Citizenship Theme for 2011-12 is Health, Wellness, and the Pursuit of Happiness

View a report on the results of the vote (opens in new window) .

Here is how we have initially set up our theme:

Health is a centerpiece of the United Nationsʼ efforts to promote human development, and modern society has made profound strides in fighting infectious disease and raising life expectancies around the world. Yet we still find the provision of care and the promotion of healthy living to be a perennial challenge, one that knows no boundaries but nonetheless reveals gaping inequities within and between countries worldwide. Moreover, even when physically healthy, we struggle to feel truly well; despite living (on average) longer and more comfortable lives than countless generations of human beings before us, a true sense of happiness and well-being often eludes us. What does it mean to be healthy? What does it mean to be happy? And how can we get there?

Recommended Reading

The following is the initial, preliminary list developed during the theme-selection process. A more complete bibliography can be found at our Goodreads site (opens in new window) .

Recommended Films