Global Citizenship

2010-11: Food


The winning theme chosen by the Santa Monica College Global Citizenship Council chose for 2010–2011 is: Food

Food for Thought Lecture Series 2009

  • Pete Morris, professor of Geography, "Beer: Global Beverage, Local Passion(PDF File) (opens in new window) " March 1

  • Jacki Horwitz, professor of Communication, "Sandwiches Worldwide: Think Inside the Bread," April 2

  • Walter Meyer, professor of Art History, "Food, Consumption, and Consumer Culture: From Vanitas Still-Life to Flying Spam," May 14

  • Karlyn Musante, professor of Psychology, "Food: Italian Style," September 17

  • Makiko Fujiwara-Skrobak, professor of Japanese, and Maria Montero, professor of Political Science, "Cultural Serendipity," November 5

Recommended Reading

The following is the initial, preliminary list developed during the theme-selection process. A more complete bibliography can be found at our Goodreads site (opens in new window) .