
Enrollment Updates


Last Updated July 22, 2020

Enrollment Updates for Summer/Fall 2020

Payment Policy Changes: No Fee Postponements

  • 3/9/20: Effective with summer 2020 classes, students will no longer be able to postpone enrollment fees. Fees must be paid by the term deadline and thereafter by midnight of the date whenever a new class is added.
    Student Representation Fee
  • A new $2 Student Representation fee will be charged at the time of registration. The optional Student Representation fee of $2, mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 1504, provides support for student government representatives who may be presenting positions and viewpoints to representatives, offices, and agencies of local, district, and state governments. The fee is divided, with $1 going to the Associated Students, and $1 for use by the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC). Students may opt-out from paying the fee on Corsair Connect.

Enrollment Updates for Winter/Spring 2020

Health Fee Increases by $2

  • Effective Winter 2020, the Health Fee increases by $2 per term. The new rates will be $21 for Fall and Spring and $18 for Summer and Winter.

Enrollment Updates for Winter/Spring 2019

Nonresidents Cannot Postpone Enrollment Fees (November 7, 2018)

  • Effective with the Winter/Spring 2019 terms, students classified as nonresidents (i.e., students from out-of-state) will no longer be able to postpone their enrollment fees.

  • Students must pay all enrollment fees by the nonpayment deadline. Nonpayment will result in dropping students from courses one at a time until no fees are owed.

  • Following the drop deadlines, if students add additional courses, the corresponding fees must be paid by midnight of the same day, otherwise, the class(es) will be dropped.

Contact Information Update Required (November 1, 2018)

  • The "Student Primary Contact Telephone Number Verification" feature that displayed to students on Corsair Connect once per term has been modified to allow students to update full contact information: mailing address (not permanent address), telephone number, personal email, and text messaging authorization. This feature will display once per term.

Enrollment Updates for Summer/Fall 2018

Auto-Approval of Pass/No Pass Grading in Corsair Connect (October 1)

  • Qualifying students may now request to take a class on a Pass/No Pass grading basis directly from Corsair Connect, subject to existing limitations as noted on the Pass/No Pass policy.

Final Grades Submission: No Withdrawals Permitted

  • Instructors may no longer withdraw students from a class upon submitting final grades. All requests for late withdrawals must be handled through Admissions and Records.

Incomplete Grades Processing (July 2018)

  • Instructors may only assign a B, C, D, F, or NP (if class grades P/NP) as the default grade when submitting an Incomplete Petition.

  • Incomplete grades will automatically change to the default grades 15 calendar days after the due date if a grade change has not been submitted to Admissions & Records.

Multiple Measures and Placement Adjustments

  • Multiple changes have been made to the assessment and placement process for English and mathematics in response to Assembly Bill 705.

  • The end result is that the vast majority of incoming students--about 95%--will have the opportunity to start with English 1 with or without an accompanying support course (English 28). [more details on New English Course Sequence]

  • In the case of math, students who would typically place into the lowest 3-4 math levels (arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra) will be able to enter into Math 50 (pre-statistics), complete it in one term, and then enter into Math 54 or 21. Other students will be able to enroll a Bridge to College Math class that uses adaptive learning technology. Students will have the opportunity to complete 1-3 classes within one semester. Those completing the intermediate algebra portion of the course could then enroll in a college-level math class the following term. Yet others will be able to enroll in Math 3 and 4 (to new courses) to meet the Math 7 prerequisite instead of taking a single 5-unit precalculus class. [more details on the Flow of Math Courses]

Students may now enroll if they owe $100 or less

  • Effective with the summer 2018 session, students who owe the college $100 or less for previous terms will be able to enroll in courses in the current enrollment cycle.

  • While students will be able to enroll, they will not be able to get a transcript or enrollment verifications until the outstanding fee is paid.

Corsair Connect Guide Created

  • A Corsair Connect Guide(PDF File) (opens in new window) is available to assist students and college staff/faculty navigate its various features. Emphasis is placed on "Enrollment" features. The guide is posted on the Admissions & Records website (several locations), on the login page for Corsair Connect (look for CC Guide), and inside Corsair Connect top navigation bar.

High School Concurrent Enrollment: English Test Not Required for Admission

  • The English Placement test is no longer needed to participate in the High School Concurrent Enrollment Program (placement into a minimum of English 21A was required in the past). Assessment will only be required when taking a course that has a prerequisite of English or Math. Example courses would be ENGL 1, any MATH course, and courses that have math prerequisites such as CHEM 10.

Discounted Parking to California College Promise Grant Recipients

  • Effective Summer 2018 all students on a California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG Fee Waiver) are eligible for a discounted parking permit (Summer & Winter: $15 per term; Fall & Spring: $30 per term).

  • Parking permits may be purchased at the Bursar's Office. Plans underway to purchase discounted permits on Corsair Connect.

Nonresident Fees Increase

  • Starting Summer 2018, the nonresident per unit fee increases from $355 to $370 (inclusive of the State enrollment fee, the nonresident per unit enrollment fee, and capital outlay).
    Effective with summer 2018

International Student Insurance Fee Increase

  • Effective Fall 2018, the “Initial” insurance fee increases from $200 to $234; and the full semester fee from $600 to $702.

Former Students May Pay Owed Fees Online

  • Former students in need of transcripts who left the college owing fees may now login to Corsair Connect and pay the fees without having to first reapply to the college to regain access to Corsair Connect, or having to come in person to pay.

Midterm Placement Rosters Timelines Adjusted

  • Effective Spring 2018 the timeline to the launch date and due date for the midterm placement rosters for Fall and Spring classes has been adjusted:

    • Run number 1: will capture all classes with end week up to the first 8 weeks of the semester. These classes will have a due date of Friday of Week 5.

    • Run number 2: will capture all classes with either start week of 1 or 2, provided that the end week of the class is after week 16 of the semester. These classes will have a due date of Friday of Week 8.

    • Run number 3: will capture all classes with either start week of the 9th week of the semester OR (start week from weeks number 2 and higher and end week between weeks number 10 and 15), with a due date of blank.

Searchable Class Schedule Updated

  • The online searchable class schedule was updated with a new “look and feel” and several features have been added.

  • It uses responsive design and is fully compatible on desktop, tablet, and mobile phones.

  • It is accessible.

  • It includes an “Advanced Search” option to filter down the class list; a filter to identify classes with OER resources was added.

  • It integrates an “i” (or “Information”) icon on select section numbers to display a “Class Note.”

  • It integrates a link to the campus and building where the class is taught (for SMC campuses only); a feature borrowed from the SMC app, SMCGO.

Enrollment Updates for Winter/Spring 2018

Students may now enroll if they owe $52

(Added January 3, 2018)

  • Effective immediately, students who owe the college less than $52 for previous terms will now be able to enroll in courses in the current enrollment cycle. Until today, these students were prevented from enrolling.

  • While students will be able to enroll, they will not be able to get a transcript until the outstanding fee is paid.

Incomplete Grades Notifications to Students & Retrieval of Incomplete Grade Petitions

(Added November 1, 2017)

  • Once instructors assign an Incomplete grade to a student, an automated email will be sent to their SMC email (bcc to instructor) specifying how to retrieve an auto-generated Incomplete Grade Petition to review the conditions leading to a grade change from "I" to another grade. The email will also caution students that failing to act by the prescribed deadline will result in issuance of the the default grade noted on the petition.

  • Students may access a copy of the petition at any time by login in to Corsair Connect; then clicking the “Enrollment Services” button; then clicking the “Student Records” option on the left side navigation bar; and finally, clicking the “Incomplete Grade Petitions” link.

  • Students will also be prevented from re-enrolling in the class where they currently have an Incomplete grade.

Unofficial Grades Report for a Term

  • Final grades issued to students are now available for viewing in an "Unofficial Grades" report accessed through Corsair Connect. Grades will be posted to this report as soon as instructors submit them via their own portal, mProfessor.

  • The Unofficial Transcript will be updated once final grades for all courses in which the student is enrolled have been submitted.

  • Students may access the Unofficial Grades report by login in to Corsair Connect; then clicking the “Enrollment Services” button; then clicking the “Student Records” option on the left side navigation bar; and finally, clicking the "Unofficial Grades” link.

Enrollment Updates for Summer/Fall 2017

Consecutive Enrollment in Prerequisite-Enforced Courses (New Feature Added to Corsair Connect)

  • The purpose of this new feature is to allow students to enroll in up to two consecutive courses in a prerequisite-enforced course sequence, such as English, ESL, or math, even if the student is currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at SMC. Please note that students who are currently taking the prerequisite course elsewhere must have the final grade posted on their transcript before being issued a prerequisite waiver.

  • Here are the basics of how the feature works:

    • Student is currently enrolled in the prerequisite course at SMC or has already taken the first course in the prerequisite sequence, call this Course "A".

    • A midterm placement report is available for the current term with a status of "Passed" or "Not Passed." The Midterm Placement status determines which next two courses in the prerequisite sequence (call them Course "B" and Course "C") the student may add for the upcoming two terms in the enrollment cycle.

Example 1: Passed Midterm Placement

Eddie is currently enrolled in Math 85 (Course "A" in the sequence) in Spring 2017. He has a "Passed" status on the Midterm Placement. Eddie enrolls in Math 31 (Course "B") in the prerequisite sequence for Summer 2017--as he normally would (because he passed by midterm placement). The good news for Eddie is that he can now immediately enroll in his next math class! In this case, Eddie has selected Math 18 (Course "C" in the prerequisite sequence). Eddie will get some warning mess ages in Corsair Connect alerting him that his enrollment in Math 31 and Math 18 are contingent upon successfully completing his prerequisites, not dropping the courses, or getting dropped by the instructor from the prerequisite courses. Eddie is subject to being automatically dropped from Math 31 and Math 18.

Policy Limitations on Consecutive Enrollment

  • Clarifications: all policies previously in place concerning enrollment, repetition, and prerequisites remain in effect.

  • Students may re-enroll in a course where they have a "Not Passed" on the Midterm Placement (as they have in the past). They may now immediately enroll in the next course in the sequence in the Fall, if the first course is being taken in the Summer.

  • Students will not be dropped from the initial course in the sequence because of a "Not Passed" status on the Midterm Placement. Students may remain in the class and should seek any assistance to ensure they pass the class.

  • Students may only enroll in one course in the prerequisite sequence per semester at this time, at the time of priority enrollment. Students who enroll in a course taught during the first 8 weeks of the term, for example, cannot also enroll in the next course in the sequence during the second 8 weeks of the same term using the Consecutive Enrollment feature. This may change at a later time. Students may still enroll in late start classes once a midterm placement is available.

  • Students who do not pass the initial class in sequence will be automatically dropped from the courses in prerequisite sequence they enrolled in ("B" and "C" courses) once final grades for the first class become available if the final grade is D, F, NP, I, or W. Students will be sent a notification by SMC email and will get 2 business days to show alternate proof of having met the prerequisite elsewhere. Otherwise, they will be dropped. There will be no financial penalty to the student and a W will not show on the student's transcript.

Immediate Access to Corsair Connect to High School Concurrent Enrollment Students

Revised April 2017

  • High School Concurrent Enrollment Students now have access to Corsair Connect once they submit their admission application, receive their SMC ID number, and activate their network account (SSO account). They no longer need to first be prescribed courses.

Mandatory Assessment Policy Change

Revised April 2017/p>

  • Effective with the Summer/Fall 2017 enrollment cycle, the mandatory assessment policy applies only to students with these education goals as reported in their admission application: transfer, associate degree, certificate, basic skills improvement, and undecided. Students with any other goal are not required to complete assessment, but all prerequisites will remain in effect.

  • As a reminder: The English/ESL and Mathematics placement tests are currently required of all first-time college students (freshmen) who (1) wish to enroll in 7 or more units on their first semester; (2) start their second semester who did not first complete the assessment process; or (3) are enrolling in a class with an enforced English/ESL/math prerequisite but did not previously assess and do not otherwise qualify for a placement/prerequisite waiver (opens in new window) .

Online Orientation Policy Change

Revised April 2017

  • Online Orientation is now required of first-time college (freshmen) students and of students returning to SMC after a 3-year absence.

  • Reverse transfer students were previously required to complete the Online Orientation, too. They no longer are required to complete it.

Enrollment Updates for Winter/Spring 2017

"Swap A Class" Feature Added to Corsair Connect

Added January 20, 2017

  • The added "swap a class" function allows students to "swap" (switch) a class currently enrolled in for another class (does not have to be the same course number). Swapping allows you to add and drop the two classes at the same time.

  • All requirements for the new course will be enforced when the swap is attempted, including prerequisites, time conflicts, and maximum unit limitations.

  • Why is this useful? Because s you no longer have to drop yourself from the first class to try to add yourself to the second one, only to discover someone else took the seat moments before you, and then find out someone took your seat in the first class!

  • NOTE: Fees will be owed and a "W" (withdrawal) grade will be issued for any course from which you drop or swap after the applicable deadline has passed. Class swapping does not forgive owed fees or Ws.

Re-Enrollment in Course with Failing Midterm Placement

  • Students may now re-enroll in the same prerequisite-enforced class (one that has a midterm placement roster) in a future term if they have earned a failing midterm placement “grade,” while still enrolled in the class. This enrollment is subject to all course repetition limitations.

  • Once final grades are available, students who were allowed to re-enroll in the same class based on a failing midterm placement, but who then passed the class, will be identified and automatically dropped from the re-enrolled class section.

Re-Enrollment in Course Based on a "W" Earned in the Current Term

  • Students may now re-enroll in a class from which they officially withdrew (or were dropped from the instructor) despite the term not having officially ended. This enrollment is subject to all course repetition limitations.

  • Example: Student is enrolled in Film 1 but drops on Week 8, thus “earning” a “W.” Student will be able to re-enroll in this class in Winter or Spring during the enrollment priority cycle (i.e., December).

Changes to Class Wait Pool/Wait List

  • The wait pool will be replaced with the OPEN SEAT NOTIFICATION LIST described below.

  • Students interested in adding themselves to a class “wait list” (the prioritized list instructors get at the beginning of the term) will be able to do so starting two (2) weeks before the start of a term. This wait list will continue to be capped as has been the practice for the past few years. The wait list will continue to be ordered in chronological order: the name of the student joining the list the earliest will be included at the top (#1).

  • Students will be able to join any wait list, subject to any course/section eligibility requirements (e.g., prerequisites, time conflicts).

  • Since there will not be a “wait pool” from now on, students do not need to confirm their spot on the “wait list.” The wait list will be updated as students enroll in the class or remove themselves from the wait list.

  • Students will be able to see their position in the wait list (“Wait List Rank”) in Corsair Connect.

Open Seat Notification List

  • Instead of adding themselves to a “wait pool,” students may now join the OPEN SEAT NOTIFICATION LIST for a class section as soon as the section closes. They will be able to do so from their Corsair Connect portal.

  • The notification list will have the same eligibility requirements/validations and “open seat alert” email notification functionality as the “old” Class Wait Pool.

  • The notification list will not be capped. All students in the notification list will receive an email alerting them of an open seat. Being in a notification list does not guarantee an actual seat to anyone. Enrollment for the open seat is on a “first come, first to enroll” basis.

  • The class open seat notification list will be made available to students until the “Wait List” option is activated (2 weeks before the start of the term).

  • Students interested in joining the “Wait list” must do so directly through Corsair Connect once it becomes available two weeks before the start of the term. Students will not be moved from the notification list to the wait list.

  • Students may remove themselves from the notification list at any time through their Corsair Connect account.

Request A New Class Section

  • Domestic students will now have the option to request that a new section for a given course be created. This option has been available to full-time F1 students.

  • Students will request the class by course name and preferred schedule (morning, afternoon, evening, no preference).

  • There will be no validations when requesting a class. But the student must be eligible to enroll for the term in order to see the Request a Class option.

  • Students will be allowed to request up to 4 courses per term.

Notification of New Section Created to Students In Notification List, Wait List, and Request a Class Section List

Academic Affairs will have the ability to email students in the Open Seat Notification List, Wait List, and Request a Class Section list whenever a new section for a given course is created. The email’s purpose is simply to alert them that the new section was created.

Assessment Updates

  • COMPASS Ceases to Operate / ACCUPLACER Math Replaces COMPASS

  • COMPASS will be available for testing through November 30.

  • Starting December 1, the College will switch to ACCUPLACER Math, which consists of Arithmetic, Algebra, and College-Level Math.

  • Every student will start with the Algebra test and will place there, or be routed down or up to the other tests to determine a final placement.

  • The Assessment website will be updated with this information as soon as final cut scores for Accuplacer are derived, (probably by November 15).

  • The expiration of COMPASS math test scores has been extended from 1 to 2 years.

  • Math waivers have been extended from 1 to 2 years for “Waiver Reason” = “Other College Assessment” and “Math Assessment Waiver.”

  • Other waivers are already set to expire after 2 years (e.g., Other College Coursework), or in the case of multiple measures, 3 years.

  • CCCAssess—aka, Common Assessment

  • Still no word from the Common Assessment Initiative leadership or from the Chancellor’s Office on when CCCAssess will be available for placement.