SMC Emeritus is committed to the academic, social, and ethical behavior towards one another as a community of learning. We strive to create an environment that is challenging and supportive of the community at-large. We are committed to upholding fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, civility, and community as an educational institution.
General principles include the following:
Honesty: means fairness and straightforwardness of conduct; implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.
Integrity: consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes, regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions; one adheres to a code of moral values.
Social Responsibility: is demonstrated by adherence to policies of the institution, program, labs, libraries and individual classes.
Respect and Civility: implies that one will conduct oneself in a courteous and respectful manner in our communications and actions toward all members of the Emeritus community.
Conduct at SMC Emeritus
All members of SMC Emeritus have an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of SMC Emeritus as an educational institution serving the Older Adult Community. All of the Student Code of Conduct policies and practices of Santa Monica College apply.
Student Privacy Rules
Regarding Student Information: SMC Emeritus follows Federal Rules and Regulations regarding student information. For more information on student privacy rules and the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), please visit the U.S. Department of Education Website (opens in new window) .
Staff and volunteers cannot give out student information over the phone. No Exceptions!
If you forgot your student ID number, or need your password reset, you must come to the 1st floor registration and enrollment office at SMC Emeritus. You will be asked for a picture ID, so please bring in your driver's license, California ID, or passport. We cannot give out information to a family member without the student being present (with picture ID) and giving consent.