HEALTH E21, Yoga Health & Safety, Principles & Practices for Older Adults
This course focuses on the history, principles and practices of yoga. Designed to promote health and safety among older adults, it focuses on yoga principles and practices to enhance the health of older adults through improved flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, lung capacity and circulation. Some course sections may focus on specific yogic methods. Some sections may include therapeutic applications of yoga to address specific health challenges for older adults. Students will be encouraged to share their physical, mental and emotional challenges in a supportive environment specifically for older adults. These challenges will then be addressed within the coursework. Students will create a Daily Personal Yoga Health Plan integrating their own personal therapeutic yoga applications. Students will be encouraged to practice daily, creating opportunities to rehabilitate challenges. The course is designed to help students to use yoga methods such as postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and visualization to enhance their confidence, health, and overall feeling of well being.
Course Number: 9527 Time: 8:30 – 10:20 a.m. WF Location: ONLINE Instructor: Dee D
Course Number: 9528 Time: 10 – 11:50 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Cooper M
Course Number: 9529 Time: 11 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. MW Location: ONLINE Instructor: Staff
Course Number: 9530 Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Cass K The above section 9530 is chair based — no mat required. Learn Yoga lifestyle skills (Ayurveda) for wellness and vitality. Class is live and recorded.
Course Number: 9531 Time: 3:30 – 5 p.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Dee D
HEALTH E22, Chi Gong Principles & Practices for Older Adults
This course is designed to enhance the health and safety of older adults through use of the principles and techniques of Chi Gong. Based on Chinese philosophy and healing concepts, the course will include the history, theory and practice of Chi Gong, including both the Wu School and Yang Style. Included are such Chinese philosophies as Yin and Yang, the Eight Directions, and Five Element theory and their applications to healthy living. Students work at their own level to improve tone, strength, flexibility and balance. Lectures, films, texts and discussions will explore the theory and practice of this traditional Chinese method for health and healing. Students will analyze which strategies best meet their needs, and create an individual health plan integrating Chi Gong techniques into their daily lives.
Course Number: 9532 Time: 9 – 10:15 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Holtzermann C
HEALTH E23, T’ai Chi Principles & Practices for Older Adults
This course offers an overview of the history, philosophy and techniques of the Chinese energy balancing health practice T’ai Chi Ch’uan. With a focus on enhancing healthy aging for older adults, the course offers strategies for improving balance and posture; increasing flexibility and endurance, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation and mindfulness. The course shows older adults how to avoid injury, conserve energy and use the body in an ergonomic manner. Students will create a personal health plan integrating T’ai Chi principles and techniques into their daily lives.
Course Number: 9533 Time: 12 – 1:15 p.m. WF Location: ONLINE Instructor: Nardini A S Intermediate and Advanced. Students should be able to perform the Yang style Slow Form 108.
Course Number: 9534 Time: 12:30 – 1:45 p.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Terry Jr P W For intermediate and advanced students of the long, Yang style form. Develop goals and a personal health plan. Not appropriate for beginning students.
Course Number: 9535 Time: 2 – 3:15 p.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Terry Jr P W This section is designed for Beginner and Intermediate students.
HEALTH E24, Physical Fitness Principles & Practices for Older Adults
This course focuses on physical fitness and conditioning principles to help older adults maintain or improve their health, safety and independence. It covers basic principles of anatomy and fitness, showing older adults how to improve their cardiovascular health, muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, posture and balance. Principles of good nutrition also will be covered. Students explore movement strategies that are particularly helpful for older adults. Included are proper concepts and methods for warm-ups, stretching, low-impact aerobic activity, cool-downs, strength training and balance work. Students learn how to avoid falls and safely accommodate physical conditions and challenges. Students create a customized personal fitness and conditioning plan to suit their individual needs and physical challenges.
Course Number: 9536 Time: 8:30 – 9:45 a.m. MW Location: ONLINE Instructor: Moy D N Beginner course.
Course Number: 9537 Time: 8:30 – 9:45 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Moy D N
Course Number: 9538 Time: 9 – 10:15 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Wapner-Baart L J
Course Number: 9539 Time: 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Huner K A
Course Number: 9540 Time: 2 – 3:50 p.m. W Location: ONLINE Instructor: Cass K The above section 9540 “Mindful Fitness” Chair-based and yoga-inspired. Course meetings are live and recorded.
HEALTH E25, Strength & Stamina Training Principles & Practices for Older Adults
This course focuses on how strength training and stamina building strategies help to promote health, safety and vitality in older adults. Principles of basic anatomy and physiology are covered. The course explores how older adults can maintain or improve their health and stamina through strength training using free weights, resistance devices and fitness techniques. The course emphasizes safe ways to start and maintain a program to increase strength, improve stamina and sustain bone density. Principles of good nutrition and stress management are included. Students create a personal fitness and strength training plan based on their individual needs and physical challenges.
Course Number: 9541 Time: 8:30 – 9:45 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Regalado O
Course Number: 9542 Time: 10 – 11:15 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Regalado O
Course Number: 9543 Time: 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. MW Location: ONLINE Instructor: Huner K A
HEALTH E30, Personal Safety – Fall Prevention
This course is designed to help students avoid falls, which are the most frequent cause of serious injury in older adults. The course focuses on how, when and where falls frequently occur; how to maintain mobility, and how to improve and recover one’s balance. Students will create an individualized activity program to improve balance, endurance, strength and flexibility.
Course Number: 9544 Time: 12 – 1:50 p.m. W Location: ONLINE Instructor: Evans Jami R
HEALTH E34, Stress Reduction through Yoga
This course offers older adults a range of strategies and techniques to reduce and manage stress in their lives. It includes stress reduction methods such as positive thinking, breathing exercises, meditation, humor, diet and exercise. The course also helps students establish peer support groups to help maintain their stress reduction skills.
Course Number: 9545 Time: 9 – 10:50 a.m. M Location: ONLINE Instructor: Cooper M
Course Number: 9546 Time: 9 – 10:50 a.m. S Location: ONLINE Instructor: Holtzermann C
HEALTH E38, Joint Health & Mobility for Older Adults
This course helps older adults with chronic joint pain or mobility problems to attain and maintain physical strength, mobility and flexibility. Older adults with arthritis and/or other minor physical limitations will learn about the function of joints in the human body and techniques to move effectively without joint stress. Students create an individual plan for mobility and physical fitness.
Course Number: 9547 Time: 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Moy D N Above section 9547 is targeted towards participants of the WISE Adult Day Program.
Course Number: 9548 Time: 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Wapner-Baart L J
Course Number: 9549 Time: 12:30 – 1:45 p.m. TTh Location: ONLINE Instructor: Regalado O This class consists of constant movement and incorporates aerobic sequences to help strengthen and enhance joint health.
Course Number: 9550 Time: 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. MW Location: ONLINE Instructor: Albert G S Above section 9550 chair-based class.