Dear Emeritus Community,
Welcome to Summer 2021!
It’s been over a year of remote online learning, or Distance Education, and we have some more time to go. We do not know when we will resume in-person classes at Emeritus, nor when we will be able to do so at usual capacity. I hope everyone is staying safe. We will get through this time with patience, grace, and with each other.
If you need technology help, email You may also email for trouble with registration. If you are officially registered for the class, but missing your Zoom link, the best solution is to first email the instructor. All of the Emeritus faculty bios and a directory are available online at (click on “Faculty”). If you don’t hear back within a day or so, then email us at
Please know the first week, or two, of any given semester is one of high call and email volume. You can help reduce this by only emailing or calling once, and trying to get the Zoom links from faculty directly. This will help us get through the queue of calls and emails in the most expedient way possible.
Please DO NOT MAIL your registration form through USPS. Your form will be processed more quickly if you email the form to us, either through a scan, photo or filling out the form electronically on your computer, and emailing it to
While we have been teaching and learning online, we have spent a lot of time making upgrades to the Emeritus building. Including, but not limited to: major overhaul of the HVAC systems and in-room temperature control, adding mirrors into Health & Conditioning Room 308, adding an openable window into Art Room 305, adding automatic door openers into the 1st floor restrooms, and several other items are underway, like the much-awaited refurbishment to the elevator. Additionally, we’ve added plexiglass dividers to the lobby and 4th floor offices, and will be doing additional safety upgrades preparing for the eventual return to campus.
We would very much appreciate your financial support, if you’re in a position to do so at this time. The easiest way to make your donation to SMC Emeritus is online at (click on “Donate to Emeritus”).
Lastly, if you have not checked out our digital version of the Emeritus Art Gallery, I encourage you to do so. It’s an amazing and virtual exhibit, with fun launch events recorded and posted, and even includes a tour through the years of our art gallery at
I hope all of you continue to be well and take care of each other.
Dr. Scott C. Silverman
Dean, Noncredit & External Programs (Interim)