Enrollment Services Options
New Students are students without an SMC Student Identification Number. Returning Students are students who have been away from classes for three or more semesters. New and returning students may register and enroll using either the application form in the back of this schedule or the fillable PDF application at smc.edu/emeritus. Please note that the fillable online application requires a signature before sending the application as an email attachment to emeritus@smc.edu. Applications mailed or placed in the SMC Emeritus mail slot located near the front door of 1227 2nd Street must be received by the Friday before the first day of enrollment. After you complete your registration, you will receive an email with your student ID number, username, and temporary password to activate your SMC online account, along with instructions to follow at smc.edu/activate.
Continuing Students are students actively enrolled in the current semester or either of the previous 2 semesters. Continuing students may enroll online at smc.edu/cc or by using the fillable PDF application available at smc.edu/emeritus or by using a paper enrollment application. At least two weeks prior to the start of enrollment, Continuing Student Enrollment Cards will be mailed to the address on record. At the top of the form, you will find your online enrollment appointment date/time that will rotate to an earlier appointment each semester. For immediate processing, enroll online on your appointment date/time (or anytime thereafter) using the SMC Corsair Connect Enrollment System at smc.edu/cc. If you are not assigned an online enrollment appointment, you cannot enroll online.
If you prefer, you may use the fillable PDF application at smc.edu/emeritus, your Continuing Student Enrollment Card, or the paper application form at the back of this printed schedule, and send all registration materials as an email attachment to emeritus@smc.edu. Only continuing students who received an enrollment appointment may use authorization codes given to them by faculty to enroll in closed classes after the start of the semester. If you receive an authorization code from an instructor for a closed class, enroll in the class online at smc.edu/cc (opens in new window) . If you have not previously activated your SMC online account, you must use your student ID number, username, and password to complete the one-time process at smc.edu/activate.
The online enrollment process at Emeritus takes place through SMC’s Corsair Connect system at smc.edu/cc (opens in new window) . Online enrollment appointments are computer generated and rotate to a previous day each term. Online enrollment gives continuing students the best odds for successful enrollment. Enroll online on your appointment date/time or any time thereafter. Detailed online enrollment instructions are available online at smc.edu/emeritus or in the Emeritus Enrollment Services Office. Emeritus mini computer lab volunteers can assist you with online enrollment when the mini lab is open.
Go to smc.edu/emeritus – click on the helpful links located on the left side of the page for instructions for online enrollment, Corsair Connect, a searchable schedule (to find which classes are open), and other useful information.
Go to smc.edu/cc (opens in new window) – use “Corsair Connect” to enroll online. Make sure you have your SMC/Emeritus student ID number, password, and desired class section numbers available. If you cannot log in or have forgotten your password, please see smc.edu/studentithelp.
The link to the searchable schedule is located EITHER under the “In this section” OR on the left side of the smc.edu/emeritus webpage, depending on whether you are using a desktop computer or a mobile device/Chromebook. Once on the searchable schedule page, select the (1) Semester (e.g. Winter 2021), (2) Class Type (Emeritus), (3) Class Modality (All), and (4) Class Status (Open & Closed). Scroll down and click the “Search” button. A listing of classes will appear below the “Search” button. Click the right arrow at the bottom of the page to access the next set of classes.
The fillable PDF application form is available online at smc.edu/emeritus. A signature is required before sending the application as an email attachment to emeritus@smc.edu.
If you choose to use the paper application located in the back of this schedule, please scan/take a photo and email with the completed form to emeritus@smc.edu.
Fill out the form completely, sign, date and provide an emergency contact and number on the form.
List courses in priority order. Do NOT enroll in duplicate sections of the same course or classes that overlap in time.
Write “Alt” to indicate your second choice for a better chance of getting a course of your choice.
Write in a personal email address on your enrollment form.
If you cannot email the application form, you may mail or place forms into the SMC Emeritus mail slot located near the front door of 1227 2nd Street no later than the Friday before the first day of enrollment, or your enrollment form will not be processed. All enrollment forms — whether emailed, placed into the mail slot, or mailed — are processed on a daily basis after all the online appointments have expired.
If you are unable to enroll because of missing application information, a required instructor code change, unpaid for-credit course fees, a records hold, disqualification status, or any other reason, please contact the Emeritus office for information. If you are unable to enroll due to a closed class, please see the Closed Classes/Wait List section below. If you are having any other enrollment issues, call the Emeritus office at 310-434-4306 for assistance.
If you enroll online, you will not be sent a transaction receipt via US mail. Instead, you must print your transaction receipt through the Corsair Connect online enrollment system. If you have submitted a paper application for enrollment, you will receive a transaction receipt via US mail. If a class you selected is not listed, then that indicates that the class is filled, or that there is a time conflict with another class you enrolled in, or that you tried to enroll in two sections of the same course. The class ID numbers are listed on the upper left of the confirmation/receipt.
For closed classes, if you enroll online, you can add yourself to the wait list by clicking “Wait for a Class.” if you submit a paper enrollment form, you will automatically be added to the wait list. The maximum capacity for a wait list is approximately 30% of the maximum capacity for the class. The wait list is in chronological order, with the student who joined the list the earliest at the top (#1). Once the class starts, instructors will use the wait list as a reference to issue authorization (add) codes or sign add cards/continuing student forms. The wait list will be updated as students enroll in the class or remove themselves from it. When a seat opens up in a class, all active students on the wait list will be sent an Open Seat Notification to their SMC email account. Enrollment for the open seat is on a “first come, first to enroll” basis, so whoever enrolls first gets the available seat. Being on the wait list and receiving an Open Seat Notification does not guarantee an actual seat to anyone. For a better chance of getting the open seat, check your SMC email regularly and register online.
Courses are free but we gladly accept donations.
Attend the first class or you may be dropped. Regular attendance throughout the semester is expected or you may be dropped from the class.
Low enrollment and low attendance may cause class cancellations.
Only enrolled students may attend and participate in class.
For address changes, either use an address card or make changes online at smc.edu/emeritus In the menu on the left of the page, click on “Corsair Connect (Online Enrollment & SMC Email)” and log in. Then, click the “Enrollment” blue tab/link in the middle of the page. From the left menu, click “Profile/Preferences” and update your address, then press “Submit Changes” at the bottom of the page to save the new information.
Help us help you. Make sure your emergency information is current each term.