There are more ways that you might not have known about to afford college. Undocumented students and mixed status students are eligible! Check here for more info on qualifying, as well as how to apply to college. We can assist in applying for the California Dream Act/Financial Aid and scholarships.
Applying and Starting College

Applying to SMC as an Undocumented Student
Paying for College

About the California DREAM Act
The California Dream Act of 2011 allows students enrolled at California colleges to apply for financial aid. It is the result of two bills, Assembly Bill 130 (AB 130) and Assembly Bill 131 (AB 131). Together, these bills allow undocumented and documented students who meet certain provisions of AB 540 law (see below) to apply for and receive private scholarships funneled through public universities (AB 130), state administered financial aid, university grants, and community college fee waivers (AB 131).

California Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB540)
- California Community College students who qualify for the Nonresident Tuition Exemption (previously referred to as the AB540 Exemption) will be charged in-state enrollment fees—currently, $46 per unit, and not the supplemental tuition charged to nonresidents.
- Criteria to qualify may be found on the Exemption form.

Scholarships 2020-2021
- Immigrants Rising: Immigrant Rising’s List of Undergraduate Scholarships contains scholarships for undergraduate
studies that don’t require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency. This
up-to-date list, organized by deadline date, contains scholarships at the local (Bay
Area), state and national level.
Immigrants Rising List of Undergrad Scholarships - SMC Foundation: For current SMC students who meet the minimum academic criteria: Minimum overall GPA
of 2.5, Complete at least six SMC units by the SMC scholarship deadline of March 21,
2021, Enroll in at least six SMC units for Fall 2020 and at least six SMC units for
Spring 2021
How to apply to SMC Foundation Scholarships
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