Throughout this process, the complainant has the following rights:
- To be treated with respect by District officials.
- To take advantage of campus support resources, such as Psychological Services, Student Health Services, etc.
- To experience a safe education and work environment.
- To have an advisor during an adjudication process.
- To be free of retaliation.
- To have complaints heard in accordance with policy and procedures.
- To fully participate in any process whether the injured party is serving as the complainant, or where the institution is serving as the complainant.
- To be informed in writing of the progress of the investigation.
- To be notified concurrently, and in writing, of the outcome/resolution of the complaint, of any sanctions imposed, and the basis for the determination, and the right of appeal (when applicable).
Any sexual violence or physical abuse, as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student, or member of the public, occurring on college-owned or controlled property, at college-sponsored or supervised functions, or related to or arising from college attendance or activity is a violation of District policies and regulations, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal and/or civil prosecution and employee or student discipline procedures.
You may contact any of the following:
- Santa Monica College Police: 310-434-4300
- Santa Monica Police Department: 911
- Center for Wellness and Wellbeing (Psychological Services): 310-434-4503
- Student Health Services: 310-434-4262
- Compliance Administrator/Title IX Coordinator: 310-434-4225
- Dean of Students: 310-434-4220
The District will address the needs of the sexual assault survivor by providing a consistent, caring, and timely response when sexual assault occurs within the college community. After an initial consultation, referrals for treatment will be made and ongoing support will be offered to survivors.
Any person who has been sexually assaulted is strongly encouraged to file a complaint with the Santa Monica College Police Department, and/or the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. When a complaint is filed with the Santa Monica College Police Department, the District staff should initiate the following steps:
- Request that a nurse from Student Health Services provide immediate medical attention and appropriate medical and psychological referrals.
- Provide assistance to the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center (opens in new window) .
- Notify the appropriate college personnel of the incident for further administrative action.
- The Santa Monica College Police Department will be responsible for conducting a thorough investigation which may include contacting other public agencies.
- Ensure that the survivor is given appropriate protection while on campus, including protection from retaliation for filing the complaint, if necessary. Such protection may include placing appropriate restrictions on the accused.
- Ask the survivor questions to assess the potential for a continuing threat to the survivor and/or other members of the campus community.