STEM Experiential Learning Opportunities

STEM Opportunities for Non US Citizens/Permanent Residents


This page provides a list of some off-campus student opportunities that have in the past welcomed and/or listed on their application pages (research, mentorship, internship, volunteer, scholarships)  an interest from STEM students who are non US citizens and/or permanent residents. This is not an extensive list but only a sample of opportunities. Please note that sometimes programs do make exceptions and/or do not have all information, specifically regarding a student's immigration status, clearly listed on their application pages. If you are unsure of whether you meet the eligibility requirements of any program listed below or others not listed on this page, we recommend that you reach out directly to each program and inquire about your specific eligibility. 

AB540 and/or Undocumented Students*

* Some programs may require that you have authorization to work in the U.S. and/or a particular immigration status. Undocumented students with or without an employment authorization card or social security number, can contact SMC's Dream Program (opens in new window) and Dream Resource Center (opens in new window) for additional support and resources, including potential paid volunteer opportunities through financial aid for eligible students as well as view a Life After College: A Guide for Undocumented Students(PDF File) (opens in new window) for more information. 

F1 International Students**

** Students studying on F1 international visas should reach out to the International Education Center (opens in new window) to see if you qualify for off-campus experiences. For more information review F-1 Employment Options .