Student Support

Certificates of Achievement


All Certificates of Achievement offered at Santa Monica College are designed to provide students with the necessary skills to compete successfully in related job markets. Certificates of Achievement programs offered by Santa Monica College meet the needs of people in business and industries. The teaching faculty in these programs are well trained with both academic and industry experience. Each career program has an advisory board composed of industry representative to ensure that the curricula are current and that they meet industry needs and standards.

  • At least 50% of the units required for Certificates of Achievement must be completed at Santa Monica College  Department Chairs have the discretion to waive the 50% minimum units required at SMC to meet the major or area of emphasis.  All major coursework must be completed with a “C” or better grade;
  • Students must receive a grade of C or higher in each course to successfully complete the Certificate of Achievement.

Please note: Most Certificates of Achievement may be expanded into Associate degrees by completing a total of 60 units that include the general education requirements and recommended courses from the certificate areas.

Certificate of Achievement Options

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African and Middle Eastern Studies
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Animation (see Entertainment Technology)
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Asian Studies
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Athletic Coaching
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Commercial Dance
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Computer Information Systems
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Computer Science
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Creative Writing
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Criminal Justice
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Cultural Resource Management
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Digital Media (see Entertainment Technology)
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Early Childhood Education
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Energy Efficiency
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Entertainment Promotion/Marketing Production
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Entertainment Technology
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Environmental Science
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Esports Management, Production and Performance
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Ethnic Studies
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European Studies
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Fashion Design and Merchandising
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Film Production
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Geospatial Technology
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Graphic Design
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Homeless Service Work
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Interior Architectural Design
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Latin American Studies
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Office Technology
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Public Policy
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Real Estate
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Recycling and Zero Waste (see Sustainability and Materials Management)
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Solar Photovoltaic Installation
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Sustainability and Materials Management (formerly Recycling and Zero Waste)
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Technical Theatre
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  • CSU GE: To receive a CSU GE Certificate of Achievement, at least 50% of the units must be completed at any, or a combination of, California Community College(s). A minimum grade of D- (0.7 on a 4.0 scale) is required for each course applied to the CSU GE Certificate of Achievement. The minimum overall GPA on the CSU GE pattern must be a C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) and complete certification is required to receive a CSU GE Certificate of Achievement. The student must meet all certification eligibility requirements.

  • IGETC: To receive an IGETC Certificate of Achievement, at least 50% of the units must be completed at any, or a combination of, California Community College(s). A minimum grade of C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) is required for each course applied to the IGETC Certificate of Achievement and complete certification is required to receive an IGETC Certificate of Achievement. The student must meet all certification eligibility requirements.