Student Support

Palo Alto University Transfer Admission Guarantee








Palo Alto University offers community college students the opportunity to transfer using the same requirements as CSU. The admission process is simple, and there is no essay requirement. Once you enroll, the program is designed so that you can complete your psychology bachelor's degree online or on campus in exactly two years with no tuition increases. For more information visit the PAU Undergraduate Programs website (opens in new window) .

Transfer Admission Agreement with Santa Monica College

Transfer students must successfully complete 90 quarter (60 semester)* transferable units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, to be considered for admission to Palo Alto University's (PAU) undergraduate programs. Only courses with a grade of C or better will be accepted. Admission into any of PAU’s undergraduate programs also requires the completion of a General Psychology course, or comparable introductory level psychology course.

Admission into the undergraduate program requires the completion of the California State University General Education/Breadth (CSU GE Breadth) with grades of C or better in each course. Only College Level courses with grades of C or higher are transferrable. CSU Certification automatically fulfills Palo Alto University’s General Education Areas.

California State University General Education/Breadth Requirements (CSU GE Breadth)

More Information

PAU Undergraduate Admissions: 650-417-2050 or
Verifiability of transfer credit: (opens in new window)