Human Resources has a number of resources on its website to answer questions about employee leaves:
- Part-Time Faculty Absence/Leave Information
(opens in new window)
- Full-Time Faculty Absence/Leave Information
(opens in new window)
- Classified Employees Absence/Leave
(opens in new window)
Santa Monica College's faculty and staff can contact the following resources for questions and support:
310- 434-4415
(800) 882-1341
Contact your supervisor and email
To protect the Santa Monica College community, do not report to work if you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
If you develop these symptoms and you have been in close proximity with a person known
to have COVID-19 or who has recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing
community spread of COVID-19, call your doctor for further instructions before visiting
their office.
Tell your healthcare professional about your recent travel or contact. Your healthcare professional will work with the public health department and CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19.
In addition: 211 LA is the central source for information and referrals for all health and human services in LA County. The 2-1-1 phone line (dial 2-1-1) is available 24/7.
If you cannot directly dial 2-1-1 or are calling from outside Los Angeles County, call (800) 339-6993.
Employees miss work for a variety of injuries and illnesses. During this period of heightened concern, we request that those unable to report to work because of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, notify Human Resources of their symptoms by contacting:
or Student Health Center: 310-434-4262
In the event of COVID-19 outbreak at the College, public health officials may want to reach out to employees with these symptoms.