Transfer Center

Areas of Study/Articulation

An articulation agreement is an official guarantee that classes completed at SMC will be accepted when transferring.

SMC Counselor talking in front of a class

Students who plan to transfer need to know which courses completed at Santa Monica College will be accepted at the college/university they plan to attend.

Santa Monica College articulation agreements with the California State University and the University of California can be found on the Articulation System Stimulating Inter-institutional Transfer website ASSIST (opens in new window) .

It is highly recommended that you meet with an SMC counselor regularly as transfer information and requirements do change.

General Counseling and Transfer Services


Location & Hours

Earn Scholarships to Transfer

RaiseMe Website (opens in new window)

Get ahead of the transfer process! Use RaiseMe to earn scholarships directly from 4-year colleges and universities while you complete your Associate degree.

Connect with 4-year colleges and track your progress toward successful transfer.