The Emeritus Enrollment Services Office is open for enrollment assistance Monday –
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
You must enroll each semester. For the 2025 spring semester, you may initially enroll
in a maximum of four (4) classes. Two weeks prior to the start of the spring semester,
this cap will be lifted, and you may enroll in additional classes when space is available.
Please note: The same enrollment rules apply, so you will not be able to enroll in
duplicate sections of the same course or enroll in a class that causes a time conflict.
New Students are students without an SMC Student Identification Number. RETURNING STUDENTS are
students who have been away from classes for three (3) or more semesters. New and
returning students may register and enroll using either the application form in the
back of this schedule or the fillable PDF application at Please note that a typed signature on the fillable online application is acceptable.
Please send the completed application as an attachment to You may also fill out an application in person, mail or place the completed application
in the SMC Emeritus mail slot located near the front door of 1227 2nd Street. After
you complete your registration, you will receive an email with your SMC Student Identification
Number, username, and temporary password to activate your SMC online account, along
with instructions to follow at
Continuing Students are students actively enrolled in the current or either of the previous two (2) semesters.
Continuing students may enroll online at (opens in new window) by using the fillable PDF application available at or by using a paper enrollment application. At least two weeks prior to the start
of enrollment, Continuing Student Enrollment Cards are mailed to the address on record.
At the top of the form, you will find the date/time for your online enrollment appointment,
which will rotate to an earlier appointment each semester. For immediate processing,
enroll online on your appointment date/time (or any time thereafter) using the SMC
Corsair Connect system at (opens in new window) . If you are not assigned an online enrollment appointment, you cannot enroll online.
If you prefer, you may use the fillable PDF application at, your Continuing Student Enrollment Card, or the paper application form at the back
of this printed schedule, and return the form via email attachment to You may also fill out an application in person, mail or place the completed form
in the SMC Emeritus mail slot located near the front door of 1227 2nd Street. Only
continuing students who received an online enrollment appointment may use authorization
codes given to them by faculty to enroll in closed classes after the start of the
semester. If you receive an authorization code from an instructor for a closed class,
enroll in the class online at (opens in new window) . If you have not previously activated your SMC online account, you must use your
student ID number, username, and password to complete the one-time process at
The online enrollment process at Emeritus takes place through SMC’s Corsair Connect
system at (opens in new window) . Online enrollment appointments are computer generated and rotate to a previous day
each term. Online enrollment gives continuing students the best odds for successful
enrollment. Enroll online on your appointment date/time or any time thereafter. Detailed
online enrollment instructions are available at or in the Emeritus Enrollment Services Office. Emeritus mini computer lab volunteers
can assist you with online enrollment when the mini lab is open.
Go to – Click on the helpful links located on the left side of the page for instructions
for online enrollment, Corsair Connect, a searchable schedule (to find which classes
are open), and other useful information.
Go to (opens in new window) – Use “Corsair Connect” to enroll online. Make sure you have your SMC/Emeritus username,
password, and desired class section numbers available. If you cannot log in or have
forgotten your password, please see
For the link to the searchable schedule, visit Once on the searchable schedule page, select the (1) Semester (e.g. Spring 2025),
(2) Class Type (Emeritus), (3) Class Modality (All), and (4) Class Status (Open &
Closed). Scroll down and click the “Search” button. A listing of classes will appear
below the “Search” button. Click the right arrow at the bottom of the page to access
the next set of classes.
The fillable PDF application form is available online at A typed or signed signature is required before sending the application as an email
attachment to
If you choose to use the paper application located in the back of this schedule, you
may drop it off or mail it to the Emeritus office. You may scan/take a photo and send
the form as an email attachment to
Fill out the form completely, sign, date, and provide an emergency contact and number
on the form.
List courses in priority order. Do NOT enroll in duplicate sections of the same course
or classes that overlap in time.
Write “Alt” to indicate your second choice for a better chance of getting a course
of your choice.
Write in a personal email address on your enrollment form.
All enrollment forms — whether completed in the Emeritus office, dropped off, emailed,
placed into the mail slot near the front door of Emeritus, or mailed — are processed
on a daily basis after all the continuing student online appointments have expired.
If you are unable to enroll because of missing application information, a required
instructor code change, unpaid for-credit course fees, a records hold, disqualification
status, or any other reason, please contact the Emeritus office for information. If
you are unable to enroll due to a closed class, please see the Closed Classes/Wait
List section below. If you are having any other enrollment issues, call the Emeritus
office at 310-434-4306 for assistance.
If you enroll online, you will not be sent a transaction receipt via US mail. Instead,
you must print your transaction receipt through Corsair Connect at (opens in new window) . If you have submitted a paper application for enrollment, you will receive a transaction
receipt via US mail and email. If a class you selected is not listed, that indicates
that the class is filled, or that there is a time conflict with another class you
enrolled in, or that you tried to enroll in two sections of the same course. The class
ID numbers are listed on the upper left of the confirmation/receipt.
For closed classes, if you enroll online, you can add yourself to the wait list by
clicking “Wait for a Class.” If you submit a paper enrollment form, you will automatically
be added to the wait list. The maximum length of a wait list is approximately 30%
of the maximum capacity for the class. The wait list is in chronological order, with
the student who joined the list the earliest at the top (#1). Once the class starts,
instructors will use the wait list as a reference to issue authorization (add) codes
or sign add cards/continuing student forms. The wait list will be updated as students
enroll in the class or remove themselves from it. When a seat opens up in a class,
all active students on the wait list will be sent an Open Seat Notification to their
SMC email account. The open seat is available on a “first to enroll” basis; therefore
the person who enrolls first gets the seat. Being on the wait list or receiving an
Open Seat Notification does not guarantee an actual seat to anyone. For a better chance
of getting the open seat, check your SMC email regularly and register online.
Courses are free, but we gladly accept donations.
Attend the first class or you may be dropped. Regular attendance throughout the semester
is expected or you may be dropped from the class.
Low enrollment and low attendance may cause class cancellations.
Only enrolled students may attend and participate in a class.
For address changes, either use an address change card or make changes online at In the menu on the left side of the page, click on “Corsair Connect” and log in.
Then, click “View/Edit Profile” on the left side of the page . Here you will be able
to update your address, emergency contact, and personal email address.
Help us help you. Make sure your emergency information is current each term. Students
may update their emergency contact in Corsair Connect at (opens in new window) or on the enrollment application.
How a Course Is Listed in the Schedule:
The section number of the course must be placed in the “section” field on the application
form or add card for correct enrollment.
Abbreviation of Days
M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
F = Friday
S = Saturday
MW = Monday & Wednesday
MF = Monday & Friday
TTh = Tuesday & Thursday
WF = Wednesday & Friday
Scholarships and grants are available for materials or books for students experiencing
financial difficulties. Make a confidential request to the Program Coordinator by
calling 310-434-4306.
ADA Accommodations
SMC Emeritus students who require ADA (The Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations
in order to successfully participate in our unique noncredit older adult program —
or to sign up for our specialized Pathfinders classes — should contact the SMC Center
for Students with Disabilities. Santa Monica College makes every effort to make its
campus fully accessible to students with disabilities. The SMC Center for Students
with Disabilities offers guidance and counseling on admission requirements and procedures,
as well as a number of special programs to help students with their academic, vocational,
and career-planning goals. In addition, the Center offers specialized equipment, adaptive
computer training, and test proctoring, among many other services and accommodations
for students who are eligible.
To arrange for ADA accommodation, call the SMC Center for Students with Disabilities
at 310-434-4265 or visit
Statement of Nondiscrimination
The Santa Monica Community College District is committed to building an inclusive
and diverse environment and maintains a comprehensive program to ensure that practice
reflects these principles. Diversity within the college environment provides opportunity
to foster mutual awareness, knowledge, and sensitivity, to challenge ingrained stereotypes,
and to promote mutual understanding and respect. The District’s equal employment opportunity
and nondiscrimination policies are set forth in Board Policies 2405, 2410, 3120-3123,
5220, 5230, and 5530. As set forth in these Board Policies, the District is committed
to equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination in the learning and work environments
in accordance with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, California
Code of Regulations, Title 5, § 59300 et seq., California Government Code §§ 11135-11139.5,
the Sex Equity in Education Act (California Education Code § 66250 et seq.), Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d), Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(29 U.S.C. § 794), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12100
et seq.), and the Age Discrimination Act (42 U.S.C. § 6101).
It is important for students, employees, and others associated with the College to
report concerns about possible violations of the District’s policies regarding equal
employment opportunity and nondiscrimination. If you need information about the District’s
policies or need to report a violation of the laws listed above, you should contact:
SMC Human Resources Office, 310-434-4415 or (located on the second floor of the SMC Administration Building, 2714 Pico Blvd),
regarding any complaint of unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment and
sexual discrimination; or
Eric Oifer, ADA/504 Compliance Officer, 310-434-8912 or (office located in Student Services Center S276) regarding disability discrimination
El Distrito de Santa Monica Community College tiene el compromiso de crear un ambiente
inclusivo y diverso y de mantener un programa comprensivo para asegurarse de que la
practica refleja estos principios. La diversdad entre el ambiente colegial provée
oportunidad para fomentar el conocimiento, la erudición, y la sensibilidad mutual,
luchar contra los estereotipos arraigados, y promover la comprensión y respeto mutual.
Las reglas del Distrito sobre igualdad de oportunidades del empleo y de nondiscriminación
se disponen en las polisas 2405, 2410, 3120-3123, 5220, 5230 y 5530. El Distrito está
comprometido a la igualdad de oportunidades y nondiscriminación en los ambientes de
la educación y del trabajo en acuerdo con las leyes, incluyendo, sin la limitación,
el Código de las Regulaciones de California Título 5, § 59300 y ss.; el Código de
Gobierno de California §§ 11135-11139.5; la Ley sobre Equidad de Sexo en la Educación
(Código de Educación de California § 66250 y ss.); el Título VI de la Ley de 1964
sobre Derechos Civiles (42 U.S.C. § 2000d); el Título IX de las Enmiendas de Educación
de 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681), Artículo 504 de la Ley de 1973 sobre Rehabilitación (29
U.S.C. § 794); la Ley de 1990 sobre Americanos con Incapacidades (42 U.S.C. § 12100
y ss.); y la Ley sobre Discriminación por Edad (42 U.S.C. § 6101).
Es importante que los estudiantes, el personal y las demás personas relacionadas con
el SMC reportan las inquietudes sobre posibles violaciones de las polisas relacionadas
a la igualdad de oportunidades del empleo y de nondiscriminación. Si Ud. necesita
información sobre las polisas del Distrito o tiene que reportar una violación de cualquier
de estas leyes, debe ponerse en contacto con:
La oficina de SMC Human Resources 310-434-4415 o (ubicada en el segundo piso del Edificio Administrativo del SMC en 2714 Pico Blvd.)
sobre cualquier reporte de discriminación, incluyendo el acoso sexual o discriminación
sexual; o con
Eric Oifer, ADA/504 Oficial de Conformidad 310-434-8912 o (oficina ubicada en la Sala S276 del Centro de Servicios Estudiantiles (Student Services
Center) sobre reportes de discriminación por discapacidad.