BILING E01, Literature in Spanish
This course helps older adults explore a variety of Spanish literature in the language in which it was written and stimulates their appreciation of the vast literary output of Spain, Latin America, and other Spanish speaking countries. Students may also explore the history and culture of the country in which a literary work was produced, and participate in class discussions in Spanish.
Course Number: 9731 Time: 9 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. F Location: VP TERRY Instructor: Quiñones H C
BILING E02, French Literature
This course helps older adults understand and appreciate the vast literary output of France and other French speaking countries, and introduces them to French culture and people. Older adults explore a variety of French literature in the language in which it was written and engage in stimulating discussions with their peers.
Course Number: 9732 Time: 2 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. T Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Isner-Ball D R
BILING E03, Literature from Around the World
This course helps older adults experience and appreciate the vast literary output from non-English speaking countries and discuss that literature with peers in the language in which it was written. Course sections may focus on literature from any non-English speaking country, as long as there are sufficient numbers of interested students and faculty who can teach in that language are available.
Course Number: 9733 Time: 1:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. W Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Reich S L This section will explore a variety of Yiddish literature and appreciate Yiddish culture, in the language in which it was written. Some Yiddish speaking and reading skills are needed to fully enjoy this class. Share life experiences; read aloud newspapers, classic stories, and modern literature to learn about a thousand years of Yiddish culture.
Course Number: 9829 Time: 11 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. W Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Ghabaei B This section will explore a variety of Persian literature, appreciate Persian culture, and the language in which it was written. NOTE: This class will be conducted largely in English, but by an instructor fluent in Farsi.
ENGL E20, Literature: The Novel
This course, which examines the world’s greatest literary works (such as James Joyce’s Ulysses) is designed to help older adults learn about trends in writing in different societies. Older adults learn about the uniqueness of each age of literature and each author under scrutiny. Various literary themes and the concerns of authors in different historical periods serve as a basis for discussion so that older adults may compare and contrast these topics with current events, modern cultures and sub-cultures, and societal structures and mores. Older adults will also discuss with their peers how these works relate to their own life experiences and accumulated knowledge.
Course Number: 9735 Time: 2 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. M Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Dwyer F In the Spring 2020 semester we will finish Fyodor Dostoyevski’s The Idiot, in the Alan Myers translation, published by Oxford University Press (ISBN-10: 0199536392). At the beginning of class we will choose our next book.
ENGL E22, Short Story
This course is designed for older adults who want to explore literature, such as the works of Milton, Austen, Hawthorne, and T.S. Eliot, as well as short stories from Latin America, America, Europe, and Africa, and discuss it with their peers. This course allows older adults to experience a wide range of classic and contemporary literature in a social setting and relate that content and emotion to their own personal life experiences.
Course Number: 9736 Time: 10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. T Location: EC 1227 408 Instructor: Wali M
ENGL E23, Shakespeare
This course allows older adults to study and discuss selected plays by William Shakespeare and his contemporaries with their peers. Older adults will experience or re-experience the emotional and dramatic content in Shakespeare’s classic works in light of their current life situations, and discuss the concerns of the human heart from the height of passion to the depths of despair.
Course Number: 9737 Time: 9 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. M Location: EC 1227 107 Instructor: Achorn J C
Course Number: 9738 Time: 11 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. M Location: EC 1227 107 Instructor: Achorn J C
ENGL E24, Bible as Literature
This course introduces older adults to a wide variety of interpretations of biblical literature, encouraging students to offer interpretations based on their own knowledge and life experiences.
Course Number: 9739 Time: 2 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Th Location: SM SYNG Instructor: Marx J A
ENGL E25, Literature: The American Novel
This course assists older adults in analyzing American novels, discussing them with their peers, and renewing their appreciation for this unique form of literature. Older adults learn background and trends in writing in different time periods and regions of America, and discuss how these works relate to their own life experiences and accumulated knowledge.
Course Number: 9740 Time: 9 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. T Location: EC 1227 107 Instructor: Achorn J C
ENGL E27, Poetry and Fiction
This course helps older adults explore a wide variety of poetry; in particular, poetry as adventure, confirmation, and renewal. Older adults also employ selected poems as a means to examine their life experiences and discuss these experiences with their peers. This course is designed to refresh older adults’ enjoyment and increase their appreciation of poetry as a means of expression, and helps older adults explore poetry in relation to other types of literature, in particular in its use of language and imagery.
Course Number: 9741 Time: 10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. W Location: MALIBU BLUFFS Instructor: Davis C V
ENGL E30, Creative Writing
This course nurtures, revitalizes, and stimulates older adult writers who may already be producing or thinking about producing written material. The course is intended to discover, encourage, and develop untapped writing talent in older adults. It also allows older adults to develop and refine their writing and self expression skills, discuss their writing with peers, and comment on their peers’ writing in a respectful and constructive manner. The course is also a forum for older adults to share their creative voices with peers.
Course Number: 9743 Time: 9 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. M Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Kronsberg G J
Course Number: 9744 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. T Location: MALIBU SR CTR Instructor: Reich E S
ENGL E33, Autobiography
This course helps older adults review and integrate the experiences that have shaped their lives, share memories with peers, and create a record of events for themselves and their families. Through this class older adults achieve a sense of pride in their accomplishments, improve their writing abilities, and express themselves in writing that can be shared with family, friends, and the public if desired.
Course Number: 9745 Time: 9 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Th Location: EC 1227 408 Instructor: Wali M
Course Number: 9746 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. S Location: PAC 116 Instructor: Fox Jr R W Above section 9746 meets at the Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th Street.
Course Number: 9747 Time: 12 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. S Location: PAC 116 Instructor: Reyes A C Above section 9747 meets at the Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th Street.
Course Number: 9748 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. F Location: MALIBU SR CTR Instructor: Reich E S
ENGL E34, Writing for Publication
This course will be split into three units of focus. The first unit will be spent writing and sharing new pieces of memoir, fiction or poetry. During the second unit, students will prepare their selected piece (or several short ones) for publication in the Emeritus Chronicles journal. Each student will give and receive several rounds of editorial feedback. During the third and last unit of this course, enrolled students will give editorial feedback to writers not enrolled in this class who also submitted pieces to the Emeritus Chronicles. This course will culminate in the assembly of the Emeritus Chronicles which will be published in the spring.
Course Number: 9749 Time: 1 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. M Location: EC 1227 408 Instructor: Wali M This is a hands-on course focusing on the production of the SMC Emeritus Newsletter and literary journals as well as being an active writer’s workshop with an emphasis on polishing and revising work in preparation for submission and publication. The class will produce the SMC Emeritus Newsletter in the first 4 weeks of the class, and then turn its focus to producing either the Chronicles or the Ongoing Moment, the two literary journals of Emeritus.
ENGL E37, Writing Seminar
This course develops and refines older adults’ writing skills in an informal round-table atmosphere through classroom readings and critiques of their own and classmates’ writing. The course is intended to discover, encourage, and develop untapped writing talent in older adults and nurture, revitalize, and stimulate older adult writers who may already be expressing themselves through the written word. The course is also a forum for older adults to share their creative voices with peers.
Course Number: 9750 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. M Location: EC 1227 407 Instructor: Kronsberg G J
ENGL E29, Greek Literature
This course introduces older adults to the world of ancient Greek drama and fosters discussion among peers. Older adults will study Greek theater from a literary viewpoint and learn about plots, characters, and different interpretations through comparative analysis. Older adults will learn how ancient Greek drama is interpreted in modern media and will relate it to their own lives and experiences.
Course Number: 9742 Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. M Location: EC 1227 409 Instructor: Dwyer F We will continue with the epic story of Jason and the Argonauts. Our basic text is The Golden Fleece, by Robert Graves, published by Seven Stories Press. (ISBN-10: 1609807677). We will also continue reading and discussing the comedies of Aristophanes.