Emeritus Spring 2020

News from the Associate Dean


Dear Emeritus Community,

Welcome to Spring 2020!

By now, many of you have heard that I negotiated with the City of Santa Monica to extend the total amount of parking validation time you receive when you are getting your parking validated at Emeritus. You will now enjoy a total of 3 hours of parking for free with your Emeritus validation. It should work in Parking Structures 2, 4, and 6. The City sets parking rates and the fee structure, and those details are always subject to change…but as long as you are in and out of the structure within 3 hours, you should be able to avoid parking fees. As always though, all issues related to parking should be addressed with the City and SP+ directly.

You may have seen, in the Emeritus Voice newsletter, that Santa Monica College has asked me to oversee an additional department, Community Education. That team has moved into one of the small, unused offices here at Emeritus. The two programs will always remain distinct, completely separate. There may be opportunities that Community Education can bring to Emeritus that currently are not possible for Emeritus to offer.

The Emeritus Student Advisory Council (ESAC) is hard at work, and offers me advice and feedback in countless ways. Membership of the ESAC is always listed on the back cover of the Schedule. Some of the ESAC’s responsibilities include: outreach and recruitment events, help the Foundation with fundraising, planning occasional field trips, helping me review and respond to student feedback from the suggestion boxes, advocacy, and other needs that arise. Meetings are open to everyone, and the minutes can always be found at smc.edu/emeritus and then click on “Advisory Council (ESAC)” on the left side menu.

If you have a few hours that you would like to spend volunteering at Emeritus, please contact Program Coordinator Vivian Rankin-Scales (rankin-scales_vivian@smc.edu). Our volunteers help us offer better customer service, and really make our office function. We also would benefit greatly from your service as a volunteer. Please ask Vivian how you can volunteer here at Emeritus.

Dr. Scott C. Silverman
Associate Dean, SMC Emeritus