Student Work

Avital Treigerman


Avital Treigerman

Graphic Design

Hi! I'm a UX/UI designer with a background in sales, which gives me a unique advantage in empathizing with users and improving their experience. My research experience has sharpened my problem-solving skills and user insights. I'm constantly looking for new ways to learn and grow through real-world experiences.

LinkedIn / Website / Resume

SMC Showcase

Design Research

SMC Showcase
Event marketing for student SMC showcase.


The Stakeholders want to celebrate the student work show. The show will make connections
between people from the industry and get to know other students. As part of the marketing
group, our main problem is how we can get students to come and participate in the show. In
terms of budget and target audience, we need to find ways to make the show unforgettable.


We conducted several interviews with different students and came to some conclusions. Many students wants to participate in such a show if they have all the desired information on social networks.


Open an Instagram page with all the desired information so that all participants in the event
can navigate by themselves to different areas of presentations, food and etc. As well as
everything related to the Marketing of the event if it is brochures and posters around the
SMC Observations
Interview Questions
Customer Journey Map