Student Work

Sarah Benyahia


Sarah Benyahia
Graphic Design Major

I'm a creative designer that strives for focus when developing and believes that empathy is the most crucial component of design thinking. I enjoy drawing, whether digitally or on paper, and I am interested in technology, so the mix of my interests in art and technology is what drives me. My ambition is to work with innovative ideas and thoughts for any medium. I've worked with clients both in Algeria and overseas.

LinkedIn (opens in new window) / Website (opens in new window) / Resume(PDF File) (opens in new window)

Lune de Miel Madina Brand Identity

Product Design

Let's Be Real! Graphic
Design research for the Santa Monica College community on how to improve communication between the school, faculty, and online students so that students feel a greater connection to the SMC community, post-pandemic.


The client who is a small business owner was in need of a brand new brand identity. The business sells middle eastern cakes, cookies, and pastries from her home.


The business owner specialized in making middle eastern cakes, the most recognized of which is "baklawa," that is also made of a big amount of honey; the word "Miel" means honey in French.


All elements required for the branding of her business were created, such as the business name and an iconic logo that was conceptualized and designed for both print and web.

Printed business cards.
Digital sketch of baklawa.
Thumbnail sketches and word layouts.