
CalCPA Membership


CalCPA 100% membership school logo

Santa Monica College is proud to be part of CalCPA's Full Membership School Program.

Any person who is a full-time or part-time student and has never been a licensed CPA, nor achieved a bachelor's degree is eligible to apply for free student membership.

Signing up for student membership entitles you to complimentary American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) student membership as well. Note that CalCPA does not share membership information with outside business entities other than AICPA. If you do not wish to join AICPA as a member, please check the opt out box.

Join Here! (opens in new window)

Students who join CalCPA can use specific member resources, all intended to help launch a CPA career.

As a CalCPA student member you'll have access to:

Membership questions can be directed to David Lo at