CMD Student Showcase

CMD Showcase Schedule


CMD Student Showcase
Thursday, June 6, 2024      2 - 9:00 p.m.

Reception: 5-7:00 in the Courtyard
Come for the food and enjoy the company

Student Projects

  • A variety of student work can be found on tables and walls in the front building 2nd fkoor Lobby space. See the CMD Showcase Map for directions.

Tours of Amazing Spaces

  • Editing Bays (Media) - Second floor, Room 289
  • Corsair (Newspaper) - First floor, Room 130 and 131
  • Behind the Scenes (Film and Broadcasting) - First floor, Room 182
  • Architcture VR demo - Second Floor, Room 208
  • Virtual Reality - First Floor, Room 118

Program Slideshows and Information 

  • Animation - Room 207
  • Architecture and Interiors - Room 272 and 208
  • Graphic Design - Room 206
  • DM Post Producton - Room 280
  • Interaction Design - Room 271

Promo Pathway Graduation 8-9:00 pm

Auditorium Room 180


Auditorium Room 180


LEAVING THE FACTORY (Dir. Alessia Crucitelli) - 26 min 
“Leaving the Factory” brings back to life an industrial world where immigrant women helped build the foundations for modern America. Inspired by the March 25, 2011 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, it looks back at an important event in American history that has only become more relevant in our own time.  


AZIZAM (Dir. Alci Rengifo) -- 22 min 
Set in 1970s Iran, two young students from opposite ends of society meet by the sea in a time where revolution hangs in the air. 


BROKEN LAYERS (Dir. Niccolo Rolim) - 26 min 
A humanist portrayal of the Iraq War and its aftermath as experienced by Rosa, a half-Latina, half-Arab U.S. Marine. 

Break - Join us for food in the Courtyard


CORA (Dir. Kevin Maxwell) - 21 min 
Cora, an African American woman living in Memphis, Tennessee in 1966, must not only fight the racism of the local police force but survive the violent rages of her jealous, gambling-addicted husband, while raising her son and caring for the patrons of her diner 'Cora's Place.' 


THE WAR WITHIN (Dir. Marta D'Ocon) - 28 min 

Somewhere in Latin America, a young woman joins a guerrilla army when her entire family is massacred by government troops. She initially thrives, finding strength and independence as a deadly sniper. But her newfound sense of purpose and self-respect come with a high price.