SMC offers a variety of online and in-person orientations & onboarding events for new students to choose from. Check out each one and select which option is best for you!

Online Orientation
Mandatory new student orientation for all first-time college students. If you are new to SMC but have previously attended another college, you are welcome to review the online orientation as a Guest, but are not required to do so. The new student online orientation is accessible remotely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Orientation +
Optional (not mandatory) online webinar to review enrollment basics after completing the online orientation. Connect with counselors live to hear frequently asked questions and get your questions answered. Does not replace an individual counseling session. Open to all new SMC students.

Onboarding Seminar
Designed for first-time college students out of high school. In-person at the SMC main campus. Hear a new student presentation, guest speakers, get step-by-step assistance completing the onboarding steps and meet with a counselor. Students who attend will receive a waiver to replace the mandatory online orientation and can enroll on-site, if already eligible.

SMC Enrollment Lab
Open to new and continuing students who need assistance with enrolling in classes. Enrollment Labs are typically offered once all students are eligible to register for classes, before the semester begins. Labs are drop-in format, so students can stay as little or as long as needed.

Discover SMC
Local high schools visit the SMC campus by bus for a one-day program to explore the campus, complete fun Career activities, eat lunch, grab swag and find out more of what SMC has to offer.