One Campus, Many Voices
Lexi Lopez (she/her/hers)
GSA Club Secretary
It is so important to have safe, inclusive spaces on college campuses. Santa Monica College has been dedicated to forming these spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community within the Student Equity Center and with their Gender Sexuality Alliance club. These spaces have created a hub where students and faculty of all identities can come together in love and support to share stories, find resources, and continue to learn and grow.
Liliana Mendez-Pascual
Media Studies Major
I would like to quote from Gloria Steinem. “A gender-equal society would be one where the word ‘gender’ does not exist: where everyone can be themselves.”
Nicole Eng
Graphic Design Major
As a member of the Racial Justice Center, I bring back what I learn while participating here as well as my perspective as an Asian American woman as a lens for thinking about design. Design that draws from diverse perspectives is not just good design, but it’s often much more interesting as well.
Kris Bumford (he/him)
Graphic Design Major
I absolutely love my LGBTQ+ community and seeing that Santa Monica College is dedicated to giving us space and a voice on campus makes me extremely excited and happy for the future of both communities.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
Marbi-An Tejas
Administrative Justice Major
"My time spent at Santa Monica has been nothing but positive vibes because of the support given to me since day one. I thought that going to college was a waste of time and because of my status I was not qualified but turns out I was wrong. I was browsing the SMC website and happened to stumble upon a header that said DREAM program. I was cautious at first because we had an administration that was really targeting the undocumented community, so it was really scary to say I am undocumented, but I got to know that Dream Resource Center people are very trustworthy, and they provided me with a lot of resources and I'm very thankful for this. "