Student Support

POL SC 94 Section #3342

Applied Learning Fall 2020

POL SC 94  Section #3342 Student Checklist

Students enrolled in POL SC 94 - Section #3342 are required to participate in the Applied and Service Learning Program. Please refer to your course syllabus and/or speak to Professor Christina Gabler to learn how completing the minimum 30 hours of service is factored into your course grade.

  1. Select and view the Applied and Service Learning Orientation Video (opens in new window) . Caption notes are available while viewing the video.  You can also download the POL SC 94 - Applied and Service Learning Orientation Video Transcript Notes (opens in new window) .
  2. Complete the Applied and Service Learning Orientation - Completion Quiz (opens in new window) . This short quiz allow the program to know that you have viewed the Applied and Service Learning Orientation Video (opens in new window) listed above.
  3. Review the Fall 2020 - POL SC 94 Section 3342 Applied and Service Learning Dates and Deadlines (opens in new window) to know when forms are due to the Career Services Center.
  4. Review the student forms (opens in new window) needed to participate Printed forms are also available at the Career Services Center.
  5. Review the Fall 2020 - POL SC 94 Section 3342 List of Approved Organizations (opens in new window) . This is a password protected file and only those Law Pathway Program students who meet the eligibility requirements to enroll in POL SC 94 as well as have completed the Applied and Service Learning Orientation Video (opens in new window) and the Applied and Service Learning Orientation - Completion Quiz (opens in new window) will receive the password.
  6. If you are interested in completing the 30 hour minimum requirement at an organization not found on the Fall 2020 - POL SC 94 Section 3342 List of Approved Organizations (opens in new window) (see information under #5 in order to access this file), make sure to submit the Alternative Placement Form (opens in new window) to the Career Services Center by September 9, 2020. To learn which types of organizations qualify, please review the Applied and Service Learning Orientation Video (opens in new window) .
  7. Review what organizations fit your schedule and qualifications. Some organizations may require that you complete more than 30 hours. Do not sign up for an organization/program unless you can meet their additional requirements.
  8. You must complete the minimum of 30 hours by the December 1, 2020 deadline. The minimum number of hours must be spread throughout the 14 weeks. Hours cannot be completed in less than a couple of weeks. The minimum 30 hour requirement can only be completed at one organization.
  9. Contact an approved organization.
  10. Match with an organization and complete the Student Application and Agreement Form (opens in new window) .
  11. Submit your Student Application and Agreement Form (opens in new window) by the September 22, 2020 deadline. Note your minimum hours do not count until you submit your Student Application and Agreement Form (opens in new window) to the Career Services Center but no earlier than the start of the Fall 2020 semester.
  12. Request an add code from the Applied and Service Learning Program. An add code will only be emailed to your SMC student email address after you have submitted your Student Application and Agreement Form (opens in new window) .
  13. Attend any orientations/trainings for your assigned organization.
  14. Document your time on your Time Log Form (opens in new window) and follow through on your commitment.
  15. Finalize your Applied and Service Learning Experience and submit your Time Log Form (opens in new window) and Student Evaluation by the December 1, 2020 deadline.

If you have any questions about the Applied and Service-Learning Program, please contact Joan Kang at or stop by the Career Services Center on the 2nd floor of the Student Services Building on main campus.

Additional Information