- While we do help with transfer essays and applications, WE DO NOT HELP WITH PERSONAL WORK OR ASSIGNMENTS FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS.
- We reserve the right to request a copy of your prompt or syllabus in order to help you understand and meet instructor expectations.
- Maximum of 1-hour per day, and three appointments per week. This is cumulative for both online and on campus appointments.
- Cancel your appointment if you're not able to attend.
- On the rare occasion when a tutor calls out or is ill, we may be forced to reassign or cancel your appointment.
- If you are 15 minutes late, you will be asked to reschedule.
- Multiple "no show" appointments may necessitate a meeting with the coordinator to assess your difficulty attending scheduled sessions.
Login to SMC Corsair Connect (opens in new window)
1. Log into Corsair Connect.
2. From your home page, you can click on the "Tutoring" button under "Make a New Appointment."
3. If you don’t have an account already, you will be prompted to fill in your personal information and REGISTER. Providing your cell phone number at the bottom of the page will allow you to receive text notifications regarding your appointment (recommended).
4. Choose either the "Writing & Humanities ON CAMPUS" tutoring center or the "Writing & Humanities ONLINE" tutoring center from the drop-down menu at the top-center of the page.
5. Select your preferences in the “Find an Appointment” box at the bottom of the page. If you prefer to search for an appointment using the calendar display rather than the “Find an Appointment” search, click on the “View Calendar Display” link below the "Find Appointments” button.
6. When you find a time and tutor you want, click “Reserve” and complete the pop-up box.
7. Be sure to click “Create Appointment” at the bottom of the window.
8. You will receive a confirmation email confirming the location, date, time and tutor. Please arrive on time.
Thank you for your consideration!