Tips For Student Success
Listen carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something.
Read your assignment before the next class so you can ask about things you don’t understand.
Write notes in the textbook and highlight important topics with a colored marker pen if the instructor is lecturing about textbook information.
When taking notes about the instructor’s lecture, write down the main points. Avoid writing every word. If you miss a point in the lecture, leave a blank space and ask the instructor or another student after class.
Be sure to review and edit your notes later the same day.
Actively participate in classroom discussion.
Set up a schedule to do homework and study. Make sure you enough time for all your classes. Keep up with your assignments day by day or within the respective week. This avoids having to “cram”.
Figure out the best time for you to study. Develop a study plan and follow it.
Find a quiet place to study. Be aware of good lighting and ventilation. Study while you sitting upright at a desk.
Avoid all interruptions: Phone, radio, TV, people.
Make sure you’re prepared! Have all reading material, pens/pencils, paper and any other materials you may need ready.
Keep a “To Do” list and include the dates for when assignments and projects are due. Update the list frequently.
Review class notes the day you wrote them. Re-write them if they are hard to read.
Survey a book chapter before you begin reading it. Actively read it by underlining important points. Create an outline and take notes, summarize the main points.
After you read carefully and take notes, try closing the book and see if you can recite a summary.
Review the chapter one more time to pick up any details you may have missed.
Be strict with yourself. Follow your study schedule. Re-read and review information until you understand it
Make a list of questions to ask your instructor about material that needs clarification.
Find out information about the test from the instructor:
Type of test (objective, essay, true/false, etc.).
Number of questions and how many points they are worth.
Material to be covered.
Value of the test toward the final grade.
Set up an exam study schedule that includes at least three one-hour sessions or six half-hour sessions.
Know your own best time to study. Many people learn best in daylight hours.
Maximize the quality of your study time by paying attention to the following details:
Select a room where the light is bright and the air temperature is fresh. A warm, poorly lighted room will make you sleepy.
Get organized. Have all the materials you need with you when starting your study session.
Find a quiet setting that is free from distractions.
Review as much as possible while interacting with the material. For example, use pencil and paper, use color markers to highlight special items in your notes and make flash cards for material to be memorized.
Make up an exam as if you were the instructor, then take the exam.
Pay attention to points you might not understand. Make another list for these areas on separate flash cards.
Organize your thoughts for possible essay questions.
Do a study session with two or three people from class. Ask each other questions and talk about topics you learned.
Get to class early or at least on time.
Be prepared with your pen and other material requested by the instructor.
Understand the test instructions. Ask questions for clarification before the test begins.
Be aware of how much time you have to complete the test.
Skim the entire test first: note the point value, types of questions and how long it will take you to answer different sections.
Re-read all you answers, if you have time at the end of the test.
Be confident and think positive.