
StudentLingo Frequently Asked Questions


Frquently Asked Questions

What are StudentLingo workshops?

They are 50 online, on-demand, interactive student success workshops. Workshops cover a variety of student success topics and are available 24/7.

Are these workshops available just to students?

No. They may be accessed for free by SMC students, faculty, staff, or parents of SMC students. They are available institution-wide and can be used by these different parties to support student success in and out of class. Feel free to explore the workshops and identify those you find may be most helpful for you or your students.

What kind of device and browser can I use to take the workshops?

Workshops can be viewed on any device that has an internet connection with a web browser (Chrome and Firefox are recommended). This includes tablets and smart phones. You will need speakers or headphones for audio.

How do I access the StudentLingo workshops?

Go to SMC StudentLingo website (opens in new window) to register or sign-in. Registration instructions are available in the "How Do I Get Started?" section on the side-navigation of the web page.

Are these workshops accessible to students with disabilities?

Yes. The introduction at the start of each workshop shows students how to access ADA transcripts and turn on/off English/Spanish closed-captioning. The ADA transcripts can also be downloaded and accessed by going to the StudentLingo Workshop Transcripts (opens in new window) .

How long do the workshops take?

Each workshop will run approximately 25 minutes. However, your total time spent will depend on how long you spend on the interactive activities and quizzes found within each workshop.

Can I start a workshop and come back to it later?

Yes. You can sign-in again and go back to the In-Progress workshop you want to continue.

How can I download an Action Plan once I've completed the workshop?

You may download it after completing the workshop. An Action Plan icon will appear at the end of your workshop, near the top right of your screen.

  • Click the "Click to download" button on the Action Plan icon.
  • The PDF file for the Action Plan will download. This is a fillable PDF form.
  • You may save the form to complete it later, or type directly onto the form and save it so that you can print or e-mail it later.
  • Be sure to complete the Evaluation and mark this workshop as completed once you've downloaded your Action Plan.

How do I get a Certificate of Completion after I finish a workshop?

  • Once you have finished a workshop, you must complete all the Evaluation questions and then click on the "Mark Course Completed" button that appears after you complete the evaluation.
  • Clicking on that button will take you to your dashboard where you can view three tabs that will let you access a list of your workshops In Progress, Completed, and/or your Certifications.
  • Click on the Certifications tab to view all workshops where you earned a Certificate of Completion.
  • Click the "View Certificate" button for the certificate you want to print.
  • The certificate will appear on screen.
  • You can either print the certificate or save the certificate as an PNP image.

What can my students turn in as proof of completion for a workshop?

Two documents that are commonly submitted as proof of completion are the Certificate of Completion or the Action Plan.

The Certificate of Completion will include the student's name, workshop title, and date of completion. Students should be reminded that the date of completion will reflect the date they completed the required Evaluation—not the date they finished viewing their final workshop segment.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that ALL requirements for generating a Certificate of Completion are met in a timely fashion if the completion date on the certificate must meet a specific deadline. Neither SMC nor StudentLingo can provide other means of verifying when all workshop segments were completed.

The Action Plan is unique to each workshop and includes exercises that require the student to apply key concepts presented in the workshop. These forms are automatically formatted for printing, are fillable forms which can be saved once completed, and can be submitted electronically. However, you can choose to require that another particular activity or exercise presented in the workshop be printed or submitted electronically instead.

How do I get help if I have a question about StudentLingo?

If you have a question about a workshop assignment or its requirements, contact your instructor.

If you need technical support, click the Support button at the bottom of the left-side Menu when logged in to StudentLingo. You may also contact Innovative Educators for technical support: 303-955-0415 or send an e-mail to  Support is available during regular business hours.