Freshmen Eligibility
Freshmen students with no college work (in progress or completed), must submit high school transcripts covering 9th through 12th grade.
**Freshmen students currently enrolled in 11 or fewer college units must submit high school (9th - 12th), college transcripts AND Grade Check Forms for courses in progress.
Freshmen students currently enrolled in 12 college units must submit Grade Check Forms for each course.
Freshmen students who do not have a full high school transcript but have passed the High School Proficiency Examination will need to submit a copy of their equivalency certificate AND a copy of their high school transcripts covering each grade completed.
International students with foreign academic records must complete 12+ college units at a U.S. institution before applying.
Please note: High School Concurrent Enrollment students are specially approved by their high schools to take specific courses at SMC on a case by case basis. Note that this population is not appropriate for the Scholars Program. They cannot be admitted to Scholars, nor enroll in Scholars classes. This policy helps ensure the Scholars Program prioritizes and serves the students its founding purpose and mission guide it to serve.
As a reminder, here are the SMC admission requirements for regular new students:
- Must be 18 years of age or older; or younger student who has graduated from a regionally accredited high school; or
- 16 years of age and possessing a "Student Score Report" or passing the California High School Proficiency Examination.
Continuing/Returning Student Eligibility
Continuing students with less than 12 college units completed must meet high school admission eligibility (see above criteria**)
Continuing students must submit a copy of their SMC transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
Continuing students who have previously attended other colleges or universities must submit transcripts for all colleges attended. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. (Note: Admissions policies require students to declare all colleges attended. Failure to do so will jeopardize a student's transfer status.)
International students with foreign academic records must complete 12+ college units, or in progress with Grade Check Forms (opens in new window) , at a U.S. institution before applying.
Exit/Certification Requirements
In order to receive the certification from Santa Monica College students must complete the following:
Complete a minimum of 15 units in Scholars courses. These courses must be completed/in progress by the end of the semester you are applying to transfer
At least three (3) Scholars courses (9 units minimum) must be completed at SMC
Only Honors/Scholars courses taken at TAP partner schools (opens in new window) may be used for certification purposes and they must be designated as "Honors" on the transcript of record from that institution
Meet with a Scholars counselor once a semester
Maintain membership in the Scholars Program for a minimum of 2 semesters. (Students should minimally be in their second semester of attendance in the Scholars Program by the time they are applying to transfer). TAP requires a student to take 15 units of Scholars courses over a minimum of two semesters by the end of the Fall semester they are applying for transfer.
Violation of SMC's Rules for Student Conduct (AR 4410), the Code of Academic Conduct (AR 4411), and/or the Honor Code (AR 4412) will prevent students from being admitted into the program and will be grounds for dismissal of continuing Scholars Program students.